Final Exam - A

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Class 1-a all sat in class with Present Mic teaching English. The students were stressed, not because of English but because what class they have next. The hero final exams. This test was not like all the others of studying and making sure you understand the material. This was physical training and awareness. No two students would have the same test so they would have to adapt.

Worst part was that none of them knew exactly what would be happening for the test. It was most likely destroying the test robots in the entrance exam. But would it just be that? Would they have to save civilians? Find what robot was the mastermind? Sneak into an area undetected? What is even the criteria they are being marked on? That was what was worrying the students, yet they were excited. Hero lessons were always their favourite. 

The bell rung and all of the students sighed but the tension in the air was thick and everyone was feeling it. Anxiety was pooling in and pressure to perform well for the next test. If they failed, they would be doing make up lessons instead of going to the training camp. It would not be fun. The class all got up out of their chairs but Present Mic rose his hand signaling for them to wait.

"Before you go, Hope and Carmilla wish to see you all in your hero costumes in the observatory," Present Mic announced. The students all thanked their teacher before heading out towards the changing rooms. The students all got in and changed their outfits and started walking to the observation room.

Momo's classmates noticed her change in outfit. Instead of her thick cream skirt, she was wearing a red pair of shorts stopping just above her knee matching with her crop top. There are small cut out triangles in the shorts just above her knee and joint. She also now had a crop top instead of a jacket revealing parts of her breasts. There were no sleeves and stopped just after the breast. There was also a hole in her cleavage area that would allow Momo to pull out staffs and thin weapons. She also had a small belt holding a thick and bulky tablet case that probably held a tablet.

Momo was receiving several compliments on her knew outfit. It was obvious that Hope had this made as soon as possible because of the large problems her previous costume had. While others were talking with Momo, Ochako sped up her pace and ran up to Katsuki.

"Hey Kacchan, are you nervous?" Ochako asked, skipping next to him. Katsuki turned his head over to Ochako and smiled. He rolled his shoulder and moved his hands in front of him, cracking his fingers.

"Nah, a bit intimidated but it shouldn't be too bad. We all did the best in the entrance exam after all. Can't picture it being to much harder," Katsuki stated. Ochako nodded her head, agreeing with Katsuki but can't shake the feeling of anxiety.

"I know but, what if we're wrong and the test is completely different? Also that small mistakes can result in a loss. I was almost crushed in the entrance exam," Ochako reminded. 

The students all made it into the observation room. Katsuki went to open the door but Tenya tried stopping him, telling them to wait for the teachers to arrive. Katsuki glared and groaned at Tenya before ignoring him and opening the door anyway. Inside was Hope and Recovery Girl waiting for them.

"Ah good you are all on time. I was about to come drag you all here. Come inside we're going to start once Carmilla comes back," Hope stated happily, ushering the class inside. The students all came in and were mesmerized by the multiple screens. The green lines around the metal parts of the compute they now all recognise as one of Hope's quirks. 

All of the screens showed something different. The camera's were looking at entrances and exits of training grounds. The exits being new, a large gate with a buzzer that had speakers and lights. It was part of the exam but the students just didn't know what.

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