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Shota was sitting next to Emi on the couch. Shota was staring intently at the television and Emi was scooched up next to him with her phone clutched in her hand. They were talking amongst each other, Shota was flipping through channels and conversed with Emi on what it should be on. Emi was going through her phone and kept telling the raven haired hero on what channel to be on.

Eri has just walked into the room and was incredibly confused. She had never seen Emi so serious and Shota so complacent with the green haired woman. They were having a proper conversation instead of Miss Joke nagging Shota about random things she found funny. 

Eri had no clue on what they were even discussing. A lot of the words were too long for the small girl to understand and whatever they were referring to was foreign to the girl. She looked around awkwardly and spotted Dabi sitting on a long chair that had retracted back so he could have his feet up. He was smiling knowingly at them and silently chuckling at their interaction. 

Eri was still cautious of the unknown man but didn't feel scared of his presence. Shota and Emi were perfectly happy with him and seemed very concerned about his well-being. Which Eri was too, the man was still covered in bandages, only pockets of his pale skin visible. Apparently he could only drink liquids from his, anorexia? Eri thinks that was the word Dabi used but Shota just explained it as he hadn't eaten properly for quite some time. 

"Shoot does Izuku have the sheets?" Shota suddenly asked, turning towards Emi. Emi replicated his alarm and she quickly got onto her feet.

"Gosh I have it in my room somewhere. I can send him a message if he doesn't have his copy," Emi responded, almost to fast to process properly. Shota nodded and stood up as she rushed out of the room.

"I'll look with you," he called out to her, raising his voice as he vaulted over the couch. Dabi snorted but Shota was to focused to have noticed it as he followed Emi into her guest bedroom. Eri gazed after them before slowly turning her attention to Dabi. Dabi felt eyes on him and looked down towards Emi.

"Hey Snowflake, something wrong?" he asked her. Eri had no idea of why he called her Snowflake but Izuku seemed annoyed at it. Was it because Dabi also called him Snowcone. 

"Um, what is happening with Izuku?" she asked shyly. Dabi smiled at her.

"Well you know about how he and All-Might defeated a very dangerous villain? The people need a speech from both of them and they need an explanation as personal information was released about them. So they are announcing things to the world and Izuku is afraid he'll accidentally look unsure while he talked to so many people with camera's," Dabi answered, he was trying to make it as simple as possible so the girl to understand. Eri nods before looking back to the room Emi and Shota retreated to.

"You can come watch it with us if you want Snowcone," Dabi informed the girl. He has learned over the day he had been allowed to leave the hospital that she was really shy about what she wants. Dabi also quickly learned that Emi and Shota loved the girl to bits and he was planning to tease them into a relationship and he wanted Eri to help with that. So with a cheeky grin, he leaned closer to Eri. "Hey, Emi and Shota would love it if you called them mum and dad," Dabi said to Eri.

Eri perked slightly at that information. Her head then instantly snapped over to Emi and Shota rushing back into the room. Emi was chanting that it was starting as they hopped over the couch and sat down. There was a small gap in between them and Eri decided to go over to it. She crawled onto the couch, receiving help from Shota as he placed the horned girl in between himself and Emi. 

The television blared with sound, a man with chocolate skin with white dots covering him held a microphone. A red box zoomed across the bottom of the screen and the words breaking news scrolled over the box. The man was speaking, talking about a monumental event in history and new information about their number one hero was about to be revealed. 

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