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Endeavour was on patrol. It was unusually late for his patrols. A bit past five o'clock. Now the sun is almost setting and for heroes its not that late but for the number two heroes regular schedule, it's extremely late. 

These past few days have been horrible for the Todoroki family. Well not for Natsuo, he's hasn't been in the house very often. He isn't telling anyone where he is going but both Rei and Enji have a suspicion that he is off with Touya. Fuyumi still acts happy and tries being a good older sister but Enji has seen her go off on the weekends when she is not at work. He doesn't stop her because why should he? 

He's the worst father. He hasn't been a father to any of his kids. Neglecting Natsuo and Fuyumi, failing to give proper guidance to Shoto and Zyato. But worst of all Touya. Horribly abusing Touya.

It's been his biggest regret. His death. Enji watched it as he went up in flames, being told that he wasn't good enough, worst then his five year old siblings. Enji had never thought about Touya's relationship with his mother but after looking back at it. Did he have one? 

Enji didn't really care to much, thinking about what a problem he was until a month after his suicide. It had taken a month of his siblings grieving, friends condolences and finally a talk with his wife for it to finally get stuck in his head. His eldest son is dead. He committed suicide because of him.

His room had turned empty with no one ever entering it. Well until Enji caught Fuyumi went in there late at night. Enji followed her but remained quietly at the door. He watched her walk over to the closet and opening it. Revealing a shrine of Touya. Enji watched as his daughter cried but happily talked with Touya like he was there. Asking him for help to pass her final year of high school. Not wanting to cry and alert Fuyumi that he was listening he walked away and went outside. He's never visited the shrine because he didn't feel he had a right to. It was just for Fuyumi and Natsuo, the two people that Touya didn't despise. 

But now he was alive. He never died. Enji isn't sure how but he thinks that Touya might have faked it. He isn't sure but he wouldn't blame Touya if he had done that. Any mean necessary to escape home. Him and his wife had remained silent about Touya being alive. But Rei was oddly persistent that it wasn't him, that it couldn't have been him. Enji wasn't sure why but he knew it was. Touya ending up at there house with Natsuo and Fuyumi seemed to convince her though that it in fact, was him.

Enji sighed as he walked along. He does care about his eldest son now but what right does he have to talk to him. If he doesn't want to be anywhere near him, then he has that right to. He lost his right to call himself a father when he first started 'training' Touya. 

"Oi how much for the stuff man, look I need it!" a man said in a voice that Endeavour was familiar with. Drug dealers, something a bellow his pay grade but its the only crime right now. It was going down in an alleyway because it was out of sight from onlookers. Endeavour walked into the Endeavour but saw something that shocked him. 

There were five men in the alleyway with three of the five currently smoking. They all looked like generic drug addicts except for one of them. He either is the dealer who didn't do drugs or was new to them. But Endeavour recognised one of the men there, Touya.

All five turned to look at him with four of the five becoming terrified. 

"Shit run!" one of them yelled and four of them all turned around and booked off running. But Endeavour wasn't paying attention to that. He was staring at the person giving him a death glare. Touya puffed out some smoke before dropping it on the ground and grinding it with his shoe. He then shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to Endeavour.

"Aren't drug deals a bit to low for your pay grade mister number two hero," Touya smirked as he tried to walk past but Endeavour stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

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