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Fire's were burning in an opening in a forest. 41 students were all cooking food for themselves as the teachers had others matters to attend to during the time the sun was going down. The students all got themselves into groups to help others in making food. A few of the students know how to cook but most of them are clueless so a leader is in every team.

"Round Cheeks, can you stir this while I do some cutting?" Katsuki asked. Ochako bounced over with a large smile. She grabbed a spoon and moved over to the cooking pot.

"Of course Kaachan, I got it!" Ochako smiled as she started to stir. Katsuki nodded his head with a smile before grabbing a knife. He moved over to some zucchini and started slicing them thinly. However he was doing it at incredible speeds. Eijiro was walking over with a few dirty dishes in his arms to help Katsuki and Ochako as he didn't know how to cook. He passed by Katsuki and his eyes widened. He turned his head and looked over to his blonde haired friend.

"Woah dude how are you so good at that?" Eijiro asked. Katsuki rolled his shoulders and looked towards his friend.

"Yeah I've been doing this for a while. Just practice I guess," Katsuki replied nonchalantly. Eijiro nodded and kept walking but he passed Ochako along the way. He moved his arm and tapped her shoulder. She turned towards him.

"Hey does Bakubro do that at your house too?" Eijiro asked. A few close friends of Katsuki's and Ochako's know about them living together. They haven't said a word to others as it would cause a lot of rumors but it doesn't stop the small hints they push at the two.

"Yeah, he's really good at cooking. I try to help but I'm clueless on what to do in the kitchen," Ochako admitted with a blush. Eijiro laughed and nodded before moving towards the makeshift sink to clean the dishes.

Denki, Kyoka and Hitoshi were all also a group. The three of them all had a decent knowledge of how to cook but not extremely well. Just simple meals, nothing amazing. While they made some taco's for themselves Denki noticed Kota, the small boy that came with the Wild, Wild Pussycat's sitting all alone.

He could see what what the heroes were doing. Exactly what, not sure but they were discussing something. They all had plates in their hands, being empty. On a chair was still a full plate of food that was untouched. Denki could guess that it was for the kid. He sat near a try, curled up into a ball and looking down. Denki was worried for the small boy.

"Hey, is he alright?" Denki asked his two purple haired friends. The two turned to the boy.

"Don't know. He seems mopey and doesn't want to be here. Like I get that but not sure what's with his attitude," Kyoka commented.

"A mystery I'd say. He can't be their kid, it would have been an uproar if any of them got pregnant," Hitoshi spoke, giving his thoughts on the topic. Denki nodded his head, but he couldn't get that boy out of his mind.

The students then all gathered around to eat their dinner together. This was the real first time both classes were properly interacting with each other. They talked and laughed. Someone asked about Momo's quirk which Hanta made a comment about. He ended up getting a punch in the face for it.

Denki looked around because he noticed that the teachers were close by. Yet he couldn't spot Kota anywhere. Deciding to investigate, Denki excused himself and walked over to Mandalay, the leader of the Wild Wild Pussycat's.

"Hey Mandalay," Denki called to her, making the hero turn to him.

"Yes, sorry I don't remember your name but what did you want to ask me?" Mandalay smiled.

"That kid, Kota. Where is he, is he okay?" Denki asked. Mandalay sighed and shook her head.

"No Kota is, kind of okay? He recently lost his parents and he hasn't been too happy about it. They were heroes and were killed in the line of work and because of that, I think he has grown a sought of disdain for us. I'm still worried, he hasn't eaten anything," Mandalay told sadly. Denki frowned before smiling.

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