Class 1-b

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Izuku and Himiko had no time to rest as they walked to their next class. They walked along happily together, there arms linked through each other. Himiko skipped happily as Izuku smiled along with him.

Except Izuku was frowning slightly. He took a lot of that lesson just learning the name of his students and he still doesn't know some of their quirks. Don't get Izuku wrong, he definitely did see some of them but he just can't commit them all to memory. Especially with the less flashy quirks, they are just harder to stand out with their quirks just not as bright or loud. 

Even to Izuku who usually pays attention to the smaller details and the people in the background. It's just to hard in a large scale portion without looking back. He'll probably have to look back at the footage and files of his students to properly learn their quirks and names.

But right now, Izuku had to focus on this class. Izuku was curious on how different it would be. These classes have only been together for a day so their dynamic will still be new. But how different will they be from class 1-a?

Izuku and Himiko reached the door and knocked. The teacher who was in the class. Himiko was naturally very excited as class 1-b's teacher was Vlad King, by her definition. The blood bender. Izuku heard footsteps approach the door. The door opened inward and before Izuku could process it, Himiko zipped in.

"Seki-kun! Can I have some of your blood?" she asked happily. The man sighed and looked over to Izuku. Izuku instantly rushed in, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Sorry Vlad King," Izuku apologises. He then leans closer to Himiko.

"I thought we talked about this," Izuku whispers sternly which only receives him a giggle. Izuku rolled his eyes before looking over the class. They all had wide eyes as they looked at the two. Izuku couldn't tell because they were their age or because of Himiko's request to drink Vlad's blood. But it is most likely the two.

Izuku looks around the class. The first thinks Izuku thinks of this new class is that it is extremely dull in comparison. Class 1-a were all extremely colourful. Bright red and yellow hair. Two different shades of purple with several strange mutations. Especially Ashido with her bright bubble gum pink skin. 

This classes colour were dull in comparison. When Izuku looked around class 1-a, his eyes were drawn to several of the students. However in this one, Izuku's eyes were drawn to the boy with pitch black skin and white hair. His eyes then travelled to the extremely hairy boy then the one with holes in his face. After that, Izuku had to look to find features.

On the other side of the classroom, Izuku spotted a boy with a very wide mouth showing his weirdly shaped teeth. It looked like a popular manga series Izuku has seen but has never had the chance to read. The next was a girl with vines for hair, then a girl with large horns. Lastly was a person whose head was a speech bubble? How did Izuku not notice that before. Same with the boy with a bug like face.

"Are those our heroics teachers?" the boy with the bug face asked. Izuku straightened himself, he patted Himiko on the head in order to keep her calm. He smiled at the class.

"Yes, if you watch or listen to the news, you may know us. I am Hope and this is my partner Carmilla," Izuku smiled. The class collectively gasped at them, same reaction as class 1-a.

"What are villains doing here at UA?" a boy with blonde hair and sunken eyes asked shocked. Izuku frowned at that word he used. Villain. He isn't a villain. Actually a lot of people labeled as villains don't qualify as villains. Just desperate. Izuku took in a breath and continued.

"We can not discuss our reasons for being here currently, but we are your teachers. If we, well," Izuku paused. Looking over to Himiko who was looking up at the ceiling and moving her head around in some sought of daze. "If I wasn't qualified to teach you all, I wouldn't be here. Now everyone grab your gym uniforms and meet me and Carmilla at the ground gym where I'll go into further detail about our first lesson," Izuku smiles. He then turns around, grabbing Himiko's hand and dragging her out of the room.

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