All For One Is Gone

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Izuku stared up at a statue made out in the front of UA high school. The statue was sculpted by marble and stood over 14 feet high, impossible to miss or ignore. The stature was of a person, they were male and looked tall, but it was hard to tell properly from their oversized representation. 

They had two feet flat on the platform and they were wearing large combat boots with buckles running up their shin. He wore a large jacket with the back hanging down like a cape near his knees. The jacket was open, and the man had a regular shirt on, but it seemed thin, and it oddly defined his pectoral muscles.

The man's face had a large grin and wild hair that stuck out like he had just gotten out of bed. But the man also had weird marks to separate his face into sections. Those sections were under his eyes and just under his nose that reached to the tops of his ears. His arms were stretched out and his palms up turned with stoned carved to replicate fire. 

"You'd be so pissed to see this now Dabi," Izuku mused with a sad smile, looking up at the statue of his brother figure. Dabi had now been immortalised as a statue at the front entrance of UA high school. Izuku couldn't help but think that Dabi would desperately trying to destroy this statue in the afterlife, knowing how much the man hated his looks. 

Dabi had permanently put an end to All For One, both the original and Izuku's. Once the public got a hold of the information, his popularity surged. Praise was held for him and a nationwide cry to uphold a funeral or appreciation for their fallen saviour. Nezu reacted quickly to the masses and created a statue in Dabi's honour. 

Izuku was incredibly conflicted as he looked up at the statue. He was destroyed looking up at the memory of Dabi, the man who had helped him so much in life was now dead. But on the other hand, Dabi more than earned the title of hero. Izuku had always seen Dabi as such. It also brought Izuku cheeky joy at looking at something that Dabi would most certainly despise. Izuku knew he had to make the most out of the small victories that seeing the statue brought as Dabi was dead, and not coming back. 

"Stop starring at him problem child, you'll just make yourself depressed," a tired voice said from behind him. Izuku sighed and turned around to see Shota and Emi walking up to him. Izuku smiled as he peered past them to see Himiko playing with Eri. He had wondered where she ran off too. 

Izuku sighed as he stepped towards the two with a sad bob of his head. Shota smiles sympathetically down at Izuku and brings him into the hug and Emi happily joins in, feeling the same pain the two boys felt at their friend being dead. It had been some time since the battle, the students finished their school year, all of them easily passing the second hero exam. 

However, it took an extra three weeks for it to happen. The war obviously put an immediate halt to most of the teaching, but the biggest reason was that two of the UA teachers had been killed. Midnight and Cementoss were both killed in the line of duty. This did hurt the students, but they had recovered better than people had expected them too. They seemed to have underestimated the bond the junior students of 1-a had with each other.

Izuku collected his emotions in his embrace with Shota and Emi. In the back of his mind, the difference between Shota's real and fake arm was quite clear. Yeah, the hero now had a fake left and right leg as they had been crushed by a boulder. He was also missing an eye and needed a glass eye to replace it. Despite his fake metal limbs, they seem to move as seamless as if they were real limbs. 

Shota had gotten help by a young girl from Korea who travelled to Japan to help the injured. Her quirk was called marionette which meant she can connect objects to people and allow them to move it as if it were part of their own body. The woman had several of these fake limbs to attach to people and she did it free of charge, Shota being one of the first she helped. 

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