The Shadow Kid

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Izuku walked through the street with his new jacket that he may or may not have stolen. But in his defence he had no choice! He doesn't have much clothes and he was just recently discovered by the heroes, and he can't let them take him home. They'll find out his quirk is All For One and he has been taking the quirks of thugs. Which is why he is also thankful he had that hair grow quirk to alter his hair. He likes it white instead of green.

As to why he was walking through the street. Well he was going to Himaki's café, the girl he had helped yesterday. Maybe they could be friends? Izuku isn't really good in social situations, only knowing how to persuade others to leave him alone or that he is fine. He doesn't even know if him and that girl even have a friendship.

But Izuku hopes that they do and that she is currently on shift so he doesn't look like an idiot. Perhaps he could also be given free food by her as he doesn't exactly have much money to use. Izuku does also feel bad that his main reason to go here was in hopes of getting free food but sue him for being a little bit selfish once in a while.

Izuku walks into the café he was told that she works at and entered. Izuku looked around, trying to not make himself noticeable and actually paying attention to others this time. Because last time he didn't got him nabbed by a hero. Izuku won't let that happen again. 

He walked into the café and immediately spotted Himaki working. She had a smile on her face that made Izuku happy knowing that this was probably her first time smiling because of her dumb quirk. Izuku also was thankful that he had hit his limit with his quirk for the time being so he didn't have to give this retched quirk to anyone else and he wasn't effected by it. Izuku walked over to her and Himaki noticed.

"Hey Izuku glad to see that you came," Himaki smiled brightly. Izuku returned her smile.

"Hey Himaki, it's good to see you smile. How have you been?" Izuku asks. Himaki's smile dwindled slightly but it didn't disappear.

"Well I'll have to be called to the police because of my whole, quirk switch thing. But there isn't much they'll get out of me. Don't worry, I won't reveal your little secret Izuku," Himaki said, coming closer to Izuku and whispering the last part. Izuku couldn't help but be thankful for that.

The two continued to talk, Himaki gifting Izuku a free cookie. It wasn't much but Izuku wasn't going to complain. He found out that they were looking for a singer to entertain the crowd at night. Izuku was offered but he has no singing ability so he just left the offer floating. The two were having a nice time until a scream caught the two's attention.

"What was that?" Izuku asked.

"I'm not sure, can you go check that out?" Himaki asked. Izuku nodded his head and left the café. The cry sounded like it was on the other side of the café so Izuku walked into the alleyway that lead to the back. Cautiously, Izuku peaked around the corner.

There was four people in the alley way. Three of them were girls. One had a beautiful white dress and golden blond hair. The second was a girl with jet black hair and a red skirt and the last one had blue hair and blue shirt and skirt. They were standing in front of a boy who was trapped in a box of light. His skin was jet black and he had dyed green hair. Izuku watched as the girl with golden hair crouch down and start tapping on the box of light.

"Hey their freak? How does it feel to be caged? You better get used to it, things like you should have never crawled out of that hole," the girl said. The boy curled further into himself and pushed himself up against the wall. The girl with black hair started to laugh. Izuku felt incredibly angered.

But he couldn't just charge in. Unless Izuku was going to kill them, they were going to know what he looks like. The only reason Izuku wasn't worried about that before because when the guy had grabbed him, he already knew what he looked like. In this situation, Izuku would attack them and they'd have full view of him. It's not like he can add articles of clothing to himself whenever he wants. 

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