Vigilante Duo

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Izuku and Himiko stood outside their caravan. It was home at this point. Izuku at least thought it was home, he didn't know too much about Himiko but how she acts, Izuku guessed she called it home to. Izuku had gotten Himiko to practice with Hemomorphy for the past two days which Himiko complained was unnecessary. 

The logical side of Izuku knew he was being unreasonable. Himiko was just going to create knives with her quirk anyway. But he didn't want her getting hurt or hurting herself to give herself more blood for power. Despite her protest, Izuku had to make sure she had the basics of the quirks down.

He had taken the quirk back momentarily so he can make each of them a costume. He made himself his which was a black and white hoodie with the word HOPE in bold over his chest in a dark green colour. He gave himself matching pants and made himself a mask. When he said make, he already had one prepared. He had found an old mask that looked like a metal hockey mask with an evil toothy grin. Izuku liked it an adjusted to not make it look as old. 

He was also going to make Himiko's costume but she insisted that she could do it. Izuku, despite trying to tell her she needed to know what material to use and how to make it. Himiko pouted and crossed her arms at him however. Izuku sighed and relented at her immediately. Definitely a weakness he's have to fix in the future. 

As Izuku expected, Himiko failed miserably while making her costume. But she insisted that she just needed a second go. Izuku, sighing at her cute antics and kept her have a second go. Only for her to go above and beyond his expectations. Himiko's costume was black and deep red. She wore black leather over her entire body and only a small mask. Izuku felt his nose starting to bleed at how tight her clothes were. He quickly took back the quirk and made her a costume. 

Himiko was sad about it but took it nonetheless. It was still similar to what she had before, only a red covering over her nose and mouth, red pants and a sleeveless hood with a small red tie. Despite Himiko loving it, she still wanted to wear the costume she made. Izuku quickly denied her though, saying it wasn't warm enough for night and didn't do good enough at hiding her identity.

It's totally not because he got a weird feeling when she wore the second one. It hadn't confused Izuku at all, he was just disappointed with what she made. Yep, definitely no other emotion. 

"Yay, so are we ready to go?" Himiko said happily, flipping three knives in a single hand. Izuku looked at them nervously, just waiting for Himiko to accidentally cut herself.

"No, we still need to give you a name," Izuku said. Himiko looked over to Izuku thoughtfully. Which scared the hell out of Izuku as she continued to juggle the three knives with one hand while not looking.

"Toga is fine," Izuku chuckled nervously, glancing at Himiko's eyes to her knife.

N-no that won't work. Y-you are still classified as a murderer so you need a different name," Izuku said. Himiko looked down at the mention of her as a murderer. But Izuku sprung forward and quickly snatched her knives. Himiko looked back at him with wide eyes and pouted. 

"Hey!" she whined. Izuku smiled sheepishly at her and rubbed the back of his head.

"S-sorry but you were scaring me with your juggling. But um your name could be Carmilla," Izuku said. Himiko's blank look to Izuku he had to elaborate. "W-well Carmilla is the most famous female vampires in legends and was still incredibly powerful. Even being acknowledged by Dracula," Izuku said. Himiko seemed to brighten at those words and ran forward and hugged him.

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