Answers To Why

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Eraserhead walked into his classroom, his eyes narrowed as he looks over his class as he enters. They have gotten good at quieting down when he enters but they are still far from perfect. The two week break is now unfortunately over and Eraserhead is now forced to teach this nightmare of a class. 

He looked across the room to see every student sitting up right with straight posture. Katsuki had his hands resting on his desk, still covered in a cast and bandages. Izumi was also here as she moved into the dorm yesterday. Momo led her from the lounge room all the way to the classroom as the blonde girl still had to wear her blindfold. Eraserhead sighed and tiredly turned to the class.

"Morning everyone, glad to see you all here. Thank you for making the transition quick. But you all now have missed two weeks of school so you all better prepare for hell to catch you all up," Eraserhead said to the class. The students gave a chorus of groans, Eraserhead didn't care and continued to speak.

"Is that complaining?" Eraserhead asked, his eyes twitching and the colour changing to red. Class 1-a instantly started to shake their heads side to side. Eraserhead then deactivated his quirk. "Now you all need to work extremely hard, your provisional license exams are coming up soon so you all need to work hard to pass. Now let me state that passing is highly important right now, Shigaraki is whereabouts remain a mystery so we must be prepared since several heroes are out of commission and the recent retirement of All-Might, crime will now be at an all time high. Now that I've said all of that, open your books, take notes, you have a test tomorrow." Eraserhead groaned with a sigh before turning around and grabbing a whiteboard marker.

The bell rung and sighs of relief filtered the room as people slammed their head against the cool desk. Eraserhead had just been shoving information and knowledge and new things right after another. Katsuki hopes he can steal Tenya's or Momo's notes as his hands are still out of commission and he is unable to right. Izumi has an exemption from the test coming up this week because of her eyes but she'll have to make up for it.

"Alright problem children, up and out to hero training. Everyone get your costumes on. Katsuki and Izumi you two are not participating," Eraserhead said before climbing into his yellow sleeping bag. He reached down and pulled the zipper completely over his head and laid down on the floor. The class started to stand up but Izumi was a bit cautious. 

"Um can I get some help?" she asked quietly. She was nervous to say it loudly as she was unsure about how her classmates felt about her. Her father was just revealed to be All-Might and Hope their sensei to be her brother. They know Hope was bullied and ostracised so they obviously have questions about her role and Izumi wasn't sure if she can answer. Momo looked over to her and reached out her hand to lead the poor girl to where they were going, but Katsuki came and walked over to them.

"I got her, you go get ready," he told Momo. Momo turned to Katsuki slightly shocked. Izumi tensed when she heard Katsuki say that. She was surprised he came up to her and she was slightly fearful that he had an ulterior motive to talk with her. Momo thanked Katsuki before walking away and returning to the rest of the class. Izumi stood completely frozen as it was just her and Katsuki now and she felt her nerves bouncing inside of her. 

Hey reach forward and grab my shirt so you can follow me," Katsuki told her with a neutral voice. Izumi flinched but did as he said wordlessly. She grabbed Katsuki's shirt and followed behind him as Izumi shuffled blindly after Katsuki. 

Katsuki walked to a door and frowned. He moved his leg up before slamming it down on the long door handle, pushing the handle down and moving the door open. Izumi had no clue if Katsuki was actually leading to her to where they had to go but she couldn't exactly go anywhere else. Katsuki lead the blind girl over to the battle grounds, Hope and Carmilla were already there and he waved over to them.

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