Facing The Past For The Future

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Dabi walked down the street to a place he hasn't been to in a long time. He's nervous on the inside but he's managed to conceal it on the outside. It's a skill that he's had to learn. Something that's now incorporated into his personality now. He's forgotten how to act himself but it isn't entirely a bad thing. He might not have survived the street if he isn't who he is now.

Dabi had his hands in his pockets as he walked. It feels surreal to him, walking out in daylight. He isn't even hiding his face which is having him receive looks from on lookers. But right now he didn't care. His steps felt a bit lighter then normal as he approached a house he hasn't seen in a very long time.

Dabi stood at the front for a while, building up the courage to finally walk down. With his appearance, he probably looks like a creep but he could care less about what other people think of him. Dabi. faking courage finally walked towards the door.

He took a breath and raised his and knocked on the door. He hid behind his façade of cool and uncaring but inside his body was screaming at him. His nerves were bubbling and he was worried. Dabi waited patiently for the door to open. His breath hitched when he heard footsteps approaching the door. Holding his tongue, Dabi watched as the door opened revealing a woman behind it.

She was slim and young. Early twenties. She had grey ears with mostly grey hair, having red triangles mixed into parts of it. She had thick black glasses and she was dressed in a comfortable floral pattern sweater with an apron. She gasped when she saw Dabi which he expected. He his pretty horrifying to look at. The woman stumbled back at the sight of him, he hand gripping hard on the door and then used it as a shield from him, poking her head out to look at him.

"I'm not as scary as I look," Dabi said in a tired voice. He sighed and brought hand through his hair and took a deep breath. He wasn't about to look weak, no matter how nervous he feels. The woman nodded shakily but still looked uncertain. Dabi didn't blame her. Removing herself from the door, but not quite she looked Dabi in the eyes.

"W-well can I help you?" the woman asked with a slight stutter. Dabi sighed as he looked up and around the house. So many memories here, but almost all are bad. He tries to quell the fear inside of him to look snark and scary on the outside, or brave in this situation. 

"Don't know. Just looking around to see how things are going. I used to live here ya know?" Dabi said. This was his hint to the woman. Or better known to him his sister Fuyumi. After getting some information from both Miss Joke and Eraserhead on Endeavour's and Ice Queen's schedule. Which is why he is at their residence now. Fuyumi and hopefully Natsuo should be the only ones home as Shoto and Zyato are doing their villain reform program thingy. 

Fuyumi looks at him oddly. Concern leaks into her expression as she looks over him. Her hands grip the door firmly as she peers over him. 

"Sorry sir but this house was built for my parents, we have been the only residences here so I believe you are mistaken," Fuyumi replies. Dabi turns to Fuyumi and gives her an, 'are you kidding me look' Dabi sighs and brings his face over his face, composing himself. Dabi looks around the house again.

"Nope I've got the right place. Ten years ago was the last time I was here I think?" Dabi says, putting his hands on his hips and looking around like he doesn't know what's going on. But to his dismay and disappointment Fuyumi shook her head. She started to close the door a bit more, irritating Dabi slightly.

"Sorry sir but that's impossible. I've lived in this house all my life. You've never lived here," she answered, shutting the door a little but more. Dabi groaned in defeat. He thought his sister was smarter than this. Maybe it was the fact that everyone believes he committed suicide? He did do it in the middle of the house.

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