You Don't Deserve Quirks

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Izuku was terrified. He had just gotten away from the pro-hero Amplifier by using his new Bolt quirk. But because of his state of delirium and panic, he slammed head first into a brick wall. Izuku's head was bleeding and even with his new iron bones, Izuku is pretty confident that his nose is broken.

But that wasn't Izuku's problem right now. Right now, Izuku was currently being held by someone who seemed quite happy with his arrival. They were a man, pure white hair and deep crimson eyes. They had picked up Izuku, one arm around his neck and the other covering his mouth.

"For a pipsqueak your size you are surprisingly heavy," the man said as he picked Izuku up. Izuku was in full panic mode. This guy most certainly wasn't friendly. He's probably like Kotsumi whose smugly happy all of the time except when someone doesn't do what they want. 

Think Izuku think! You have to get out of this, something is telling him that this man will hurt him more than what his tormentors did to him daily. His quirks! Izuku technically has two quirks. One that can turn himself into an electric bolt, but he can't do that if he is covered by something. In this case, that man so he can only emit weak electricity. Izuku also has metal bones which has made him heavier but the man was strong enough to carry him anyway. His punches are harder except Izuku doesn't exactly know how to throw a punch. He's never had to fight back before, as doing it previously would probably have gotten him killed. But his nails and teeth are sharp though, they can do some serious damage.

Izuku then started to electrocute the man. Instead of maybe annoying the man and making him let go or loosen his grip, they started to laugh.

"Hahaha what! Is that all you have, a light tickle?" the man laughed. Izuku paled at that? Was his electricity really that weak? It had hurt him a lot when that thug used it on him. Well he did have the quirk a lot longer then Izuku did. Izuku did also have iron bones at the time which probably made it feel a lot stronger than what it was.

But Izuku still has more up his sleeve. He reaches his hands up and start clawing at the man's arms. The man yelled in shock at the sudden pain. Izuku felt something cold and wet start to drip down his hands. Looking down, Izuku could see he was right. However, something else started to happen.

Something started to grow out of the man's arms. They were white, but looked dirty. Izuku was still scratching them but it wasn't doing much. He was only carving small lines in them like carving your name into a tree. Izuku tried to process what his quirk was. It was obviously a transformation quirk and it didn't seem like it had hurt the man despite it piercing his skin. So it's something already inside his body. The man's quirk was bones.

"Ah you little shit, cut your nails one in a while," the man cursed but he didn't let Izuku go. If anything his grip tightened as bones now covered his hands and gripped Izuku tightly. Izuku desperately struggled. He was struggling to breathe. He started wailing on the mans arms but it wasn't doing much.

"Hey guys look what I found!" the man suddenly said, his voice only slightly strained from pain but otherwise amused. Izuku opened his eyes and tried to see who the man was talking to, despite the fact he was starting to get black spots in his vision. 

Izuku's eyes widened at what he saw. Izuku saw four more people. One of them was a girl on the ground and bleeding but despite that, she didn't seem to be in any distress. There was a second man there as well and he had his foot on that woman's back.  The man also has the weird attribute of having purple skin in some areas. 

There were two more women in this spot. One had pure white hair that hung to her waist and crimson red eyes like the man that was currently holding him, making Izuku think that those two are related. The second woman however didn't have any discernable features because her hair covered her entire face. The only thing that Izuku could really focus on was that she was incredibly skinny.

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