Just Before UA

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Izuku was freaking out. He was excused by his technical crime of vigilantism and still allowed to perform it if he, in turn became a teacher at UA. Himiko's crimes would also be erased if she became my assistant. Nezu believed that she wouldn't be smart enough to teach 14-15 year olds and it is said because it's true. 

He had given each of them a test. Izuku should be in college right now with his intellect but Himiko is barely at grade two even though she only left at the end of grade four. But Izuku understands it. A girl with no friends, always called a psycho and battling a mental battle of constantly wanting to rip the hearts out of everyone and probably a bunch of other mental problems. It makes sense that she wasn't good in school.

But after Himiko had calmed down about the fact they knew she was a murderer. She became so excited. She would get to have new friends and always get to hang out with Izuku which seemed to have her bouncing around on the balls of her feet constantly. Which made Izuku smile.

But that didn't take the pressure off of Izuku at all. He would be the heroic teacher for the junior classes. Class 1-a and class 1-b.  He needs to find a schedule and help kids his age become heroes. But then something hit him as well. He'll be helping Katsuki become a hero as well. Someone who he has looked up to and wanting to see become the number one hero as long as he remembers. 

Izuku would have been happy to be his sidekick. But now, he was going to be his teacher. He wonders how that will turn out. 

"Hey snow cone, you worried about teaching at UA?" he heard Dabi ask. Izuku looked up from his spot on the caravan's steps. Himiko was inside asleep. Although it wasn't late, he didn't expect anyone to come around. 

"Oh hey Dabi, yeah it's just freaky and crazy," Izuku said, looking back down. He then chuckled. "Who knew my life would turn out like this? I mean, I'm happy," Izuku said with a smile. Dabi nodded his head. He then walked over to Izuku and sat down near him. Izuku looked over to him, his head still pointing down but noticed something.

"Is that, an electronic vape?" Izuku asked. Dabi was currently smoking a thick metal cigarette with clear mist coming out. He looked over to Izuku and sighed when he took it out. 

"Yeah, it's only water vapour though. I'm trying to quit but having to constantly charge this is a pain," Dabi said. Izuku looked at him in shock, he didn't think Dabi would quit anytime soon but after a second he started to laugh. Only Dabi would complain about having to charge his vape.

"What made you try and quit?" Izuku asked as he knew Dabi was a stubborn person. Dabi scoffs and looks up at the sky. He leaned back at put his hands on the ground behind him. He wasn't about to admit it the real reason why he decided to quit. Not even to himself.

"I can get a proper hero license in a few months if I can keep out of trouble," Dabi admitted. Izuku's eyes widen. He got up and hugged Dabi who laughed at his reaction.

"That's awesome Dabi!" Izuku said happily. Dabi hums and pats his head. They sat in silence for a few minutes, just starring into the stars.

"You know I never thanked you for the adapt quirk you gave me," Dabi said. Izuku looked over to him, shocked at his sudden words. But he smiled none the less.

"It's fine Dabi, you don't need to," Izuku said, but Dabi shook his head.

"What are you on? This quirk is also fantastic for my quirk to stop me from killing myself. But also, it has allowed me to heal myself slightly as well," Dabi said, holding up his arm to Izuku. Izuku did notice what he was talking about. His wounds have healed but only slightly, but maybe in some time, he can look normal again.

But then a thought crossed Izuku's mind. One he had completely forgotten about. When he had given Dabi adapt, he remembers not being able to handle his quirk. He didn't want to take his quirk but Izuku doesn't think he could even if he wanted to. It hurt, no other quirk had impacted him like that. He also watched as Dabi's quirk attacked the adapt. Izuku has a theory and wants to test it.

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