Fight For Your Life

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Izuku stared at the weird man with the bird mask approaching him. His amber eyes moving from Izuku to the girl in his arms. The girl was shaking furiously and he could feel her sobs reverberate through his chest. Izuku glared at the approaching man and stood up from his crouched position, holding the sobbing girl in his arms.

"Ah sorry about my daughter, she gets distraught easily," the man said. Izuku hums his eyes scanning over him in hope to find an identifier for a quirk. Normally gloves would be an instant identifier for a quirk, usually contact based but that isn't all of the time. But the accessories and the craziness of the man's weird outfit, Izuku couldn't be one hundred percent sure.

"It would makes sense, she's scared. Specifically of you," Izuku accuses. He feels the girl shake her head. Izuku takes the second to look down and he sees big red eyes staring back up at him, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"He's not my dad," she whispers, her voice shivering. Izuku nods his head, his face frowning further. That makes the situation even worse. He looks back up at the man who has been silently approaching. Izuku takes a step back.

"She's just upset I didn't give her what she wanted. She's just currently throwing a temper tantrum," the man states calmly. Izuku shakes his head, not deceived by him in the slightest. He was currently trying to figure who he was. There was no way a man with a calm façade and uncaring eyes like that has not been doing something like this for a while. 

He was wearing a bird mask, similarly to a plague doctors mask. Someone with a get up like that would have to be known. Nothing immediate was coming to mind which was concerning. Usually that would mean that he couldn't be that dangerous but Izuku's gut was telling him otherwise. His attitude, his calm and monotone voice. He acts like a leader and his eye lead to danger. 

"Alright, what's with the bandages and her rags resembling a hospital gown?" Izuku asked, his eyes now looking around. He may have to fight this man and if his gut feeling is correct which it always has been. He'll need to use everything he has to take him out. 

"She's quite clumsy, she often gets her own clothes dirty and hurts herself," the man states calmly. Izuku watches as the man raises his hand and takes his gloves off. That lets Izuku know that he does indeed have a contact quirk, a dangerous one especially. 

Izuku tries and racks his brain in desperation in some insight he knows he should have of this man. He was clearly dangerous. His mind went back to Sir Nighteye, sitting across from him in his office. Sheets were sprawled across his desk, the name coming into mind. Overhaul, Kai Chisaki a member of the Yakuza. 

The image of the man was above the name. It wasn't exact to the man he was looking at now but it was close enough for Izuku to draw the connection.

"You really think I'll fall for that, Overhaul?" Izuku said, testing his theory. He sees the man's eyes narrow, telling Izuku that he is indeed correct. His eyes then shift to the girl in Izuku's arms which he believes is called Eri. She is looking back at the man, her eyes wide and terrified. 

"Come on Eri, unless you want this nice boy to meet an unfortunate end," the man spoke, his tone turning into something threatening. Izuku was about to speak but he felt the girl shift. Her voice was whimpering and she was shaking. All of a sudden she was struggling. She ripped herself out of Izuku's grip and with a strangled cry started stumbling over to Overhaul.

"Ah, smart girl," the man spoke, his voice scary as a smile taunted his lips. Izuku watched wide eye as the girl cried. Her legs shaky as she walked over to his tormentors. A flash appeared in Izuku's head. A memory of when he was a kid.

Izuku's ribs were bruised, breathing in caused him pain. His mother had come to pick him and his sister up from school. He remembers being behind them, straggling along. His sister right next to their mother. His legs were shaking because he was scared, pain filled his sides as he pushed forward. 

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