Thrive to Survive

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Eraserhead watched over the classroom from the back of the room. He was keeping an eye on Neito, Hiryu, Rikido and Hanta to make sure they weren't getting off task. Although he wanted to sleep something was stopping him. His gut was turning and on fire, telling him that something was wrong.

Vlad King was the one teaching the four about the catch up. They were in a proper building that was about 15 minutes away from the campsite. This is building is usually used for the third year students final term so it is still clean. 

Eraserhead waited a bit longer, ignoring the feeling that has been gnawing at his gut. But eventually he couldn't take it anymore. Eraserhead grumbles and stands up. He walks towards the door, having his hands in his pockets.

"I'll be back," Eraserhead told nonchalantly as he walked out of the classroom. Vlad Kind nodded, meaning he heard and understood but didn't question Eraserhead's leave. Eraserhead started walking out of the building, the impending feeling in his gut worsening making the hero frown.

Eraserhead was walking down the hallway towards the door the allowed him to exit the building. He looked out the windows as he passed them, being bored of just looking at the plain grey walls. His eyes then widened as he saw smoke rising over the tree lines. It wasn't a small amount like from the campfire, it was spreading a large way across the forest and Aizawa could even see orange fire rising.

Eraserhead turned and bolted down into a sprint. He turned the corner and saw the door and raced towards it. Eraserhead reached down towards the door handle and twisted it. But as Eraserhead pushed the door, his gut flared up. He was about to be attacked. He looked to the left only to see a large crab claw moving down towards him.

Acting quickly and mostly on instinct, Eraserhead avoided the strike by getting low. But he had to keep moving. Eraserhead lunged forward, causing his body to be horizontal. He pushed his hands forward to catch himself. The hero then rolled on the ground and twisted his body. He got back on his feet, his capture weapon gripped tightly with one of his hands. He looked at the door that had two giants standing in front of it. 

The first one was someone that Eraserhead recognised. Muscular, a known villain that mercilessly kills anyone he wants, he ha been on the run for a while. Muscular has short spiky ash-blonde hair with one brown eye, the other one being a glass eye with yellow plates. He had a red singlet on as well as long black trousers. He was ripped, his arms about three times the size as Eraserhead's own. The man also looked sick, staring down at Eraserhead with a wicked grin.

The second man was bigger then the other guy, 6'10 compared to 6'7. He also looked larger although Eraserhead couldn't tell if it was more muscle or he had more fat as the guy had a lot of clothes. A large heavy vest with a leather jacket over the top as well as biker pants with knee guards. The man had two very large orange crab claws and he had a metal mask that resembled a crab.

Muscular smirked down at Eraserhead with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"Nice moves tiny, let see if you can keep that up," Muscular grinned, taking a step forward. He raised his arms and Eraserhead watched him activate his quirk. His muscle fibres shot out of his skin and curled around his arms, increasing in size. Muscular laughed deeply raising his body to look as intimidating as possible.

"You can deal with him, I'll get the ones inside," the other man said in an annoyed tone, as he turned around and walked inside of the building. Muscular didn't even pay it any attention as he kept his insane eyes locked onto Eraserhead. 

"Come on, try and survive for me!" Muscular yelled as he dashed forward, reeling an arm back and causing more muscle to swirl around it. Eraserhead, got ready. His eyes glowed red and his hair moved up, swaying in invisible wind. Muscular's body enhancements quickly started disappearing.

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