New Term

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Katsuki stood over the sink in the kitchen. He had just cooked breakfast and was washing the pots and pans he used. Ochako had gone to have a shower as the first day back to school was today. This meant several things for Katsuki.

The first one was, what was going on with Izuku and Himiko? The news has been all over them lately and Katsuki is worried. He managed to get a hold of Izuku and he assured the blonde that he would be okay and still teaching at UA. Being a minor has given him some perks but it doesn't make it any less stressful.

But Katsuki noticed something clearly to him while they were talking. Something was swirling behind his eyes and Katsuki thinks it was pain and anguish. Two reasons Katsuki thought that could be the case and he didn't like either of them.

The first one was Dabi, or Touya. Whatever, Katsuki hardly knew him. The last time he saw him was when he was five. Granted, at the time he hated the fucker, but now he doesn't. Mostly because what he was doing was protecting Izuku while Katsuki was abusing him. Katsuki doesn't know the exact details but does know he was kidnapped.

Being one of the people that cared for Izuku when he was so young, it makes sense that Izuku cares for the man a lot. Now being taken and probably dead or tortured by horrible people, it makes sense that he would not be taking it well. 

But the second thing that Katsuki believes is on his mind is Izumi. Izumi, his sister, the person he wanted to close to and be the one to help him so much is now at UA. She definitely wasn't the worst to him, Kotsumi and Shoto definitely take that spot but she definitely hurt more emotionally. 

Ignoring him, lying to their parents, getting all of the attention . She definitely scarred him the most emotionally. Now she was at his dream place, where he had finally escaped, gotten rid of her. No doubt he was upset, angry and distraught. He was finally happy as well.

Selfish bastards.

Katsuki sighed once he had finished putting the pan and dishes on the rack to dry. He rested his elbows on the ledge just before the sink and dropped his head into his hands. He feels a large weight resting on his shoulders and he doesn't know why. He's not Izuku, he's the one with all of the shit happening to. So why does he feel like this, a dark cloud swarming around him.

"Kacchan!" Ochako squealed happily. Her arms wrapped around his torso and pulled him. Katsuki let out a small gasp of shock as he didn't hear her coming. The strength she has is still surprising to Katsuki. Also her holds are a lot better thanks to Gunhead. 

Almost two months now that he had started living with Ochako. It all started because his sister was spamming his phone. Sending death threats and typing horrible slurs to him on their dads phone. She refused to believe him at first, insisting that it wasn't okay. He knew it wasn't but he didn't expect much better from his devil of a twin. 

Although when Katsuki was dragged to her apartment for her to help him, he ended up heling her more. He found it extremely depressing about the situation she was living in. A crap apartment that barely had three rooms, an awful smell and loud neighbours that were probably high 24/7. 

Her poor parents had a horrible financial situation and were struggling to stay a float which is why Ochako is out here. She needs to succeed at UA because she has nothing else if she fails. So Katsuki makes sure she takes care of herself. Proper meals, good hygiene products and a television so she didn't get bored. 

Just like how she denied him of saying no, Katsuki gave her the same treatment as he gave her all of these things. It was, weirdly satisfying and Katsuki has yet to figure out if it is a good or bad thing yet. 

"You ready Round Cheeks?" Katsuki asked, trying to hide his surprise. He heard her giggle as she pulled away. He didn't like that. He turned to face her straight on and smiled slightly at her beaming at him. Although he could tell that she had something to say.

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