Burning Defeat

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(Author's Notes)

I am so sorry, this took far longer than I expected. This is literally over 26000 words so good luck.

Toshinori currently sat in a room filled with hero commission. His body has sustained far too much damage to ever hope of resuming his inflated muscle form. Damage that he received when he fought against All For One. He sat by himself as he felt like he didn't belong here anymore. Now that he longer held the title of Symbol of Peace, they had no care for him anymore.

Now that he could no longer be All-Might, his place in the commission has almost vanished. Toshinori made the realisation in horror that he was just a tool for them. Toshinori felt tense in the room, his country was at war and there was nothing he could do. Not in the battle nor behind the scenes. He was not authorised to even know what transpiring events was currently happening. He felt so useless being here while his wife and daughter were fighting for Japan's lives. 

Eventually the lanky blonde hair man couldn't take the hostility from the cold stares around him and got up. He walked over to the bathroom, feeling chills running down his spine. He also felt a minor headache nagging at the front of his skull. The man pushed the door open to the next room and navigated towards the male bathroom door. 

Toshinori pushed the door open, and it naturally swung shut behind him. The bathroom lights turned on and the room illuminated to show the drab white walls, floor and ceiling. The wall that had a row of sinks and soap dispensers had mirrors behind them. The man walked over towards the mirrors, he places his hands on the bench the sinks and put his weight onto them as he looked at himself in the mirror.

All Toshinori could see was a shell of the former man he was. Nothing but tool that had been worn down until he was too small to sharpen, and he had no one to blame but himself. How many years was he blind to the problems he helped create? How many issues did he ensure became corrupt? What has he allowed to prosper and die out simply because he was to focus on his own brand?

Toshinori sighed and dropped his head, his blond locks flopping down in front of him. His fingers craned back, bending on the counter and his arms started to shake. Toshinori gritted his teeth together and let out a low hum as spikes of wetness started to dab at his eyes. 

"Look up Toshinori," a voice said. The voice was feminine and resurged old memories locked after several years of horrible events. Toshinori snapped his head up to look in the mirror. At first, he saw himself, wrinkled from stress and age, heavy bags hanging underneath his eyes with fresh wet tears glistening over the top of them. His eyes then managed to look behind him to see a second figure in the reflection at the mirror. 

Toshinori was stunned at first as the figure looked incorporeal. He could see through them, their actual body being quite faint and the colour shifted of them shifted like an alternating rainbow. He blinked and stared at them, the voice in his head matched the faint face of the person and Toshinori turned his head around to look at them directly instead through the mirror's reflection.

"Nana?" Toshinori asked, clearly surprised. He gingerly took a step forward, completely awe struck at the person in front of him. His mentor and hero, the person who gave old quirkless him a chance at heroism. The person who he watched die right in front of him was now standing before him as a ghost. Nana sighed and shook her head; her face was both sad and disappointed. 

"Toshinori, we need your help," Nana said in a low tone. Toshinori's already stunned face became even more surprised. His eyes turned into saucers and his mouth became agape. It was already a shock to see something he believed to be a figment of his imagination standing in front of him, but now they were asking for his help. It was a shock to hear her when fighting All For One but seeing her now means Toshinori either is going insane or this wasn't just his mind playing tricks on him. 

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