Crazy Blondes

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Izuku was currently watching the news and Himiko was sitting on a beanbag scrolling through her phone. Izuku has made up a some of money of the last couple of months and managed to buy both of them some sweet new items. Phones were the big one, Izuku didn't exactly know how to make one so they didn't have one which made things incredibly difficult. But now that problem was solved.

Himiko seemed oddly fascinated with fashion trends and comedy things on Youtube. The second thing was internet. Izuku had been using the libraries internet to get school work done so he wouldn't be left behind and teach Himiko while he was at it. Izuku also found out that she was incredibly fair behind but it did make sense, she did run away at age 10. 

Izuku and Himiko were both doing their own thing but Izuku did notice something off about Himiko. He picked up quite a few of her ques on what was going on. She was a very expressive person and loud to. You would always know what she was thinking, if she was sad, angry happy or bored. You'd always know if she was bored.

But right now, she was spacing out. Himiko only does that when she was thinking. She had an incredibly hard time figuring things out. Izuku turned away from the tv to look at her better.

"Hey Himi?" Izuku said, catching her attention. Instantly Himiko piped up and hummed and looked over to Izuku. All of her life returning instantly. She looked at Izuku expectantly. "What were you thinking about?" he asked.

Himiko then zoned out again, looking up to the roof trying to collect her train of thought. Izuku waited patiently for Himiko to answer. She then looked down at Izuku.

"Are we a couple Izu-kun?" Himiko asked. At this question Izuku became a bright tomato. His mouth hung open, he tried to speak but the words died on his mouth. The question was sudden which surprised Izuku. It's not like he hadn't thought about it. Himiko is someone he has, liked for a while. Izuku gulped and pulled the front of his shirt outwards. He had to calm his nerves before he spoke again.

"W-well, do you want to be?" Izuku asked. He was nervous even though he knows he shouldn't. She asked the question about it, it would be preposterous if she had said no. He wouldn't be surprised though, everyone has been against him his entire life. 

But what he wasn't expecting was for Himiko to squeal. Izuku eyes shot over to her only to catch a blur of something lunge at him. A sudden weight slammed into Izuku and he felt hands wrap around him. Izuku hit the floor and felt Himiko squeeze him tight.

"Yay! Were a couple now!" Himiko yelled. Izuku chuckled at her antics and embraced her back. But then something unexpected happen. Himiko gave Izuku a quick kiss on the lips. His eyes widened and he was stunned still. Himiko didn't realise this and sat up again, looking at Izuku.

"Can we go to the movies?!" she asked excitedly. Izuku was still stunned but managed to find the ability to speak.

"Yeah," Izuku answered. Himiko squealed and stood up and started hopping around. She then raced over to her bag which had all of her clothes. Izuku was still stunned and confused but he didn't mind. This was a good development.

Himiko walked through the streets mindfully. She isn't in broad daylight that often especially considering her murderous past. When she is in broad daylight, she is always with Izuku. This is the first time that Izuku isn't with her. 

It does upset her but he was currently talking with Dabi and Aizawa. It's been about a month since they were officially dating but according to Nomi and Akito they always were. Butterflies still flutter all over her stomach when they mention how her and Izuku are a cute couple. But today she was out with someone else much to her dismay.

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