What Now

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Izuku was leaning on a mound of trash playing with his new quirks. Note he had kept the quirks so it was most likely permanent. So he really did have All For One. Izuku was testing out his quirks because they were so interesting. His metal bones were basic but looking at the colour of them, they seemed to be some kind of titanium alloy. Probably something close to it as there is no way he'd be able to move around if his bones were titanium.

But his electric quirk was a bit more interesting. He could emit a small amount around his body. It wasn't strong but it did hurt when Izuku was shocked, but it was probably because of his metal bones. But that wasn't the entirety of his quirks ability. He could turn himself into a lightning bolt.

Izuku wondered why the guy he had taken the quirk from, hadn't turned into a lightning bolt. He was using his quirk anyway, why not use more of it? The charge would be the same. It was not until Izuku became a lightning bolt that he realised why. He could hardly control it. He could pick a direction to the go but the point of where he'll land. No clue. Izuku can't seem to transform into a bolt when touching a wall though, probably a limitation from the ions around him.

Despite the excitement of analysing his new quirks and quirk. Izuku was terrified. No more than terrified. He had All For One which belongs to the sworn enemy of the people with One For All. Could he go back home? Would his family hurt him even more knowing what he was capable of? He didn't doubt, in fact it was highly likely. 

How far would they go? Would they kill him? Izuku didn't know he did know that Izumi at least wanted him dead. Would that be good enough to just get rid of him? Izuku thought of his family. All of the times they want on vacation and just forgot him. The snarls and hate filled looks Izumi and her friends gave him. 

The tortured fueled days and overall unpleasant life. If he was treated this way by hero parents, Top ten at that, how were other kids treated? Izuku looked down at his hand. He now had power. The power to give and take quirks. Izuku closed his fist and looked up with new determination.

He then got up and started scavenged the junk yard. After a bit of searching he found some old scissors. They obviously weren't in the best of shape and the handles of them were falling apart or had fallen apart. But Izuku didn't care. He ran back inside the caravan. He went to the small mirror inside the caravan and looked at his reflection.

He wasn't a Yagi, he never had been as soon as he turned four. No one wanted a useless Deku like him around. But he wouldn't be the only kid who was tormented because of this. Being ostrasised because of something he had no control over. With this new quirk, he could stop this. He could take away the quirks of the privileged who constantly put others down and help those who were bullied and abused like him.

He'll be a hero to those who don't meet societies standards of a worthy person.

But he can't do that, at least not as Izuku Yagi. Izuku would change who he is, cut all ties with who he once was and become what a hero should be. Izuku started cutting his hair, He didn't stop until his hair was more manageable. There was still a lot but it was longer everywhere and looked somewhat natural. More curly than tangled. But that didn't matter t Izuku. He looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes alight with determination.

He's going to be the best hero, like he had promised himself.

It was early in the morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet. But it was nothing but quiet.

"You did what to Izuku!" Mitsuki yelled. Masaru and Rei held her back as she tried storming her way to Inko. Recovery Girl and Torino were furious at Toshinori and both hitting him. They wanted to yell at him more for being  a hypocrite but couldn't say as there others in the room. Nezu had gotten the kids all to sit down on the couch with Enji (a.k.a Endeavour) right next to him. 

Izuku Yagi - All For YouWhere stories live. Discover now