One For All

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Izuku kept his head low and held his hood as high over his head as possible. He tried to reduce the size of his horns as much as possible so they wouldn't stand out. The public has become quite familiar with his figure and appearance since he has been everywhere lately.

Thanks to Kotsumi leaking a lot of confidential information, Japan has turned into an uproar. People were outraged and concerned by the fact that Hope and Carmilla were faculty members of UA. The obvious conspiracy theories was that he was threatening the staff of UA with his villainous quirk or he had a quirk that could brainwash them. 

Despite the hero commission and top heroes defending them, a lot of the public still remained adamant about Hope and Carmilla being villains. It was really upsetting to Izuku just how many people acted like that. About 20% of people in Japan had high demands to have him outright killed, it was ridiculous. 

It was ironic, if you looked at most of the people who were against Izuku being a hero, you'd see that they were people with connections to the general hero commission. People within the company, retired professionals that worked closely with them and rich citizens who sponsored them. The only reason why the hero commission as a whole isn't against Izuku and Carmilla is because Toshinori is fighting for them to see him as a hero. Because the man is, well was All-Might, he almost has large of an impact in the company as the cooperate leader. 

Izuku still won't ever see the man as his father ever again but he does appreciate the effort he is going through to alleviate the pointless arguing that people are having against Izuku. If he wasn't trying, the commission may be trying to turn the country against him. 

Izuku closed the door to the bathroom he snuck into. Izuku then placed his hand on the door and activated Stasis. A light aura of blue surrounded the door before is became to faint to see moments later. Now the door wouldn't open. Izuku rushed over to the mirror and pulled his hood down.

His face was still round and chubby with a bit of baby fat in his cheeks. He had a few minor grazes over his cheeks and forehead but his curly silver hair slumped down and covered most of the ones above his eyes. His emerald eyes glimmered brightly but Izuku could see the concern laced within them. Some areas of his cheeks were beige patches and he had sharp red horns at the front of his head, they pointed straight forward like a rhinoceros. 

Izuku's hand unconsciously shot up to the unfamiliar scar running across his neck. The scar on his neck then opened and revealed a mouth. It had crocodile like teeth that were metal and a tongue with a uvula at the back. Izuku flinched and moved his hand away in a panic. Izuku then sighed and put his hands down next to the sink.

He had completely forgotten about getting that quirk and it wasn't that long ago since he got it. After he left the police station where he and Naomasa interrogated Kotsumi he was ambushed by people waiting to kill him. An assassination attempt it could be described as.

There were three people all waiting for me before they rushed out to attack me. One of them had a mouth on their neck and its bight force seemed to have the power to ragdoll the user. Izuku watched as the male shot himself at Izuku with a burst of speed from his neck biting at him with incredible force. He could change his moment on a dime like that, it was really incredible.

Izuku practice it out yesterday but it was surprisingly hard and uncomfortable to use. It should probably hurt but thanks to Izuku having a resilience quirk and two quirks that shifts his insides into metal, all it did was make Izuku's stomach swirl and shoulders shiver. 

The quirk was acting up a bit and sometimes it involuntarily opened and snapped with hard force when Izuku had no intention to use the quirk. After diving deeper into the quirk, he found some form of primal sentience in the quirk so it was unlikely that he could train it. Izuku was thinking about burning it with Dabi but it did have some major benefits. 

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