What is this Power

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Izuku sat in the alleyway, tears still rolling down his face. He had started to think more on what his father had said. He had a passable quirk. One For All, isn't his quirk and that quirk is what made him All-Might. So what was his quirk before One For All. Izuku had never thought of this much before but what was his father's quirk?

He knew his mothers quirk has a telekinesis quirk but he was tricked into believing it was a weak one. It clearly wasn't as it was the quirk Green Tornado had. The number 8 pro hero. But what was his father's quirk. Izuku's thinks hard and has come to the conclusion that he's never said his quirk. But if he was given One For All, he'd still have his original quirk wouldn't he? Unless he was-

Izuku stopped. If his father was quirkless. It would only make sense of how he became quirkless. It was still an incredibly rare chance for him to become quirkless, but it was a lot higher than if he did have a quirk. Izuku couldn't believe it. His father, who he is probably quirkless. Neglected his quirkless son, something that he once experienced. Izuku started to cry again.

"Hey, a crybaby is out late at night," a voice said. Izuku sniffled and looked up. Two men approached him. The man who spoke first seemed to have sickly pale skin. But on closer inspection, Izuku identified that his skin was a light grey. He had dark hair and eyes that were impossible to see the colour of them in the dark. He wasn't tall but was well-built.

The second guy was taller than the other man. He was lanky and tall. He had black hair that seemed to have random yellow highlights in his hair. Izuku gulped as tried backing away. Only to remember that he was already backed against a wall. Izuku tried to talk but the grey skinned male dashed forward. Izuku yelled but it was quickly silenced by the man's hand. Izuku was panicking, these men were going to hurt him.

"It's your own fault kid. A string bean like you shouldn't be out this late at night," the lanky male said.

"Just be quiet and do your job as a lookout," the other man barked. The lanky man rolled his eyes before turning around. Izuku was panicking. He tried to push the man off of him but it was no use. He was clearly a lot stronger than Izuku. Izuku then felt something sharp start poking his face. Izuku looked down and saw the man's fingernails were causing his face to bleed. They were silver, but also looked shiny. like it was something metallic.

"What the fuck? Do you not have anything? Not even a phone," the man stated angrily. Izuku looked up at him pleadingly, hoping to at least be able to say something but all he got was a punch to the stomach. Izuku choked at the force. It was a lot harder than what any of his bullies had given him before. Even stronger than Toyoshi with a rock mutation quirk and Shoto when he covers his fist in ice. It was like this man's fist was harder than the regular person. But it didn't make sense, his quirk gives him metal fingernails. 

The man punched him again and it felt a lot worse the first time. He had probably bruised him from the first punch. The man smirked as he saw Izuku's expression deciding to re-adjust his grip. He covered Izuku's face entirely with his hand before lifting him up with that one arm. Izuku then felt his head starting to break. This guy was strong. He obviously had more than a quirk that made his nails metal. But what could he do? What could a useless Deku like him do?

Grab him!

Something inside Izuku's was telling him to grab the man. An instinct was more correct. Izuku in a blind panic and fear, Izuku reached his hand forward. He grabbed the man's face with his hand. Izuku didn't know why he was doing it but he wasn't expecting any results from it. Izuku wasn't aware of anything, the only thing he could feel was pain.

But the next thing he knew, Izuku was dropped. Izuku started coughing and held his face with his hand. He wasn't sure on what just happened but he looked up to the man who had just held him. He was on the ground, groaning seeming like he was in pain. What happened? Izuku thought. The man shook his head then looked up at him angrily.

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