Improving Heroes

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Izuku was currently in the UA staff room alone. He was currently preparing tomorrows lesson plan for both class 1-a and class 1-b. It would be a combined lesson as the final exams are coming up which would lead to the training camp. So Izuku thought a good idea would have the classes communicate with each other before hand. 

Izuku does know class 1-b feel slightly inferior to class 1-a as they have garnered more attention. The USJ being a huge reason for that and their superior performance in the sports festival, 12 out of the 16 and now they have an additional member from the general course. It does make sense but it still is petty, especially from Neito. 

Izuku has to be honest, it does seem rude but it is simply the truth. Class 1-a is a lot better to actually teach then class 1-b. Class 1-a is vibrant, several personalities that clash and run together and they all seem to have a connection. Minor at most but it is still more then class 1-b. Only seems like Itsuka, Nirengeki and Setsuna actually interact with everyone while the rest seclude themselves in small groups.

The atmosphere is also just severely dull in comparison, a lot more frowns and serious people. It also doesn't help that some of them still aren't very fond of him and Himiko. Izuku sighed but shrugged his shoulders, it wasn't his problem.

It would be a simple exercise, problem solving then a small physical activity at the end. Because the main task of the lesson would be for Izuku to gather notes for improvements in hero costumes and support items for them to be able to utilise in the final exam. Izuku already had notes down to give them but he also wanted their input as this would be for them, when they become heroes.

Suddenly, Izuku hears a knock on the door, no window. Izuku spins himself around. He was confused on who would be at the window. The only person that would be at the window is Himiko as she is quite an eccentric person. But currently she was annoying Vlad King so it wouldn't be her. Izuku craned his head around his desk to look at the hero. Who he didn't expect was the number 3 hero himself, Hawks. 

Izuku eyes widened, Hawks smiled and waved before pointing down at the locked window. Izuku nodded his head, confusion still etched over his features. Izuku walked over to the window, he moved his hands to the lock and unlocked it for the bird hero. Izuku gripped the window and lifted it open. Hawks smiled and waved but did not come in.

"Thanks Hope, I can't come in otherwise the alarms will go off. Nezu has just disabled the air alarms for the time being," Hawks said. Izuku nodded his head but was still confused on why the hero was here.

"Yes but um, why are you here?" Izuku asked with a raised eyebrow. Hawks laughed and looked away, trying to look casual and wearing a slightly sheepish expression. It does fit with his hero personality, effortlessly casual and flirtatious with the people he saves. Izuku has also heard he becomes deadly serious and against challenging foes but Izuku nor the public has seen that side of him.

"Well, during your classes internships I got to take Tokoyami under my wing. I asked him a few questions about the USJ as I have heard some thing about it. Such as you and your partner helping to protect the students against a bioengineered creature," Hawks stated. Izuku still looked at him oddly, a frown coming to his face.

"So Tokoyami told you I worked here?" Izuku asked, being slightly disappointed. Hawks chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah, all he said was that you two were acquainted with Nezu, no matter how hard I pushed. So I spoke with Nezu and was slowly explained that you both worked here as teachers. He does really seem to like you both," Hawks chuckled at the end. Izuku nodded his head, the disappointment washed away for thinking Fumikage exposed him. But Izuku was still wondering why he was here. Hawks put his hand up to prevent Izuku from talking, being able to guess the boys question.

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