Birthday Brawl

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Izuku and Himiko were fast asleep on the bean bag together underneath a blanket. Himiko was hugging tightly to Izuku who was uncomfortable but dealt with it as he liked being close to Himiko.

He was still new to the whole dating thing but enjoyed every second of it. Being official with Himiko while also being a vigilante duo was awesome. It is a shame he had to give back two of his quirks. Energy Spear wasn't a big loss. It was a powerful but Izuku never really used it. Constellation however was upsetting as it was a powerful barrier quirk that worked well with Izuku because of all of his freckles. But he was fine with it, they were still children and it did seem like they learned a lesson while being quirkless.

But the past couple of months however have been great. His max quirk output is now twelve and he has gotten several more quirks.

Izuku still has his quirks Bolt, Heavy Skeleton, Fat Inflammation, Pitch, Tentacles, Horn and Retardant which only gives seven quirks to his max. He now also has Strong Impact and Tooth Missile. A strength quirk and another that combines well with Heavy Skeleton.

But he has also retrieved four more quirks. Unfortunately his last one is unusable which is called stasis, allowing him to completely freeze for two seconds and negate any damage he otherwise would take. But he would train until he got to use it. 

But he still has another three he can use. Well technically five but he combined them to have three instead of five. His first new quirk is rock manipulation with allows him to control rocks like comets. It destroys the area of where he rips the rocks out of the ground so it isn't a quirk he would use often. 

His next quirk is a combination of two. Sonic scream and bouncy bullet. Sonic scream allows them to shout out a burst of loud sound strong enough to push others away if they are two close. The second one emits a weak laser from the user's mouth that bounces around on flat objects until it hits something that isn't flat. Combining the quirks turned it into Echo making it so that the user emits a scream that bounces around on flat surfaces until it hits something that isn't flat.

The next one Izuku loves. The first quirk is called Scan. He has five digital pads on his finger tips that are connected by a dim lime light. If he touches a person or an object, any answer he has will be answered. The quirk becomes inactive for five minutes and Izuku can only have one question answered on an object every 24 hours. The quirk he combined it with was called Possession which allows Izuku to control any object he wishes that he can see. When he combined his quirks, they became Hacked.

Unfortunately the quirk became contact instead of whatever Izuku sees but he can deal with. He can control whatever object he wants for any period of time and have any answer he has for the object answered. The quirk also works on people but it only stuns them for a second before the possession wears off.

Izuku and Himiko were still peacefully asleep. Well one was but Izuku didn't mind. He'd put up with it. But expectantly, Izuku woke. He groaned and held his head. Something loud interrupted his sleep. Izuku looked over to Himiko who was fortunately still asleep. For a criminal who has been on the run for almost five years she is a heavy sleeper.

The noise persisted and Izuku tried to figure out what it was. After a few seconds Izuku realised it was knocking. He groaned again and forced himself to get up. It took a minute because of how tightly Himiko was clinging onto him and the fact that his arm was dead.

Izuku managed to stand and tiredly trudged over to the door. Opening it Izuku saw that Katsuki was on the other side. Also that the sky was pitch black meaning it was either really late or really early. 

"Took you a fucking while," Katsuki said with his signature scowl. Izuku sheepishly rubs the back of his head, he looks back into the caravan and looks at Himiko who is still sleeping peacefully. He looks back to Katsuki.

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