Undeserved Chance

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"Round Cheeks get up or you'll be going to school without breakfast," Katsuki growled, as he swung her blanket off of her. He had gotten tired of waiting for the girl to get up and eventually stomped into her room. Ochako grumbled and whimpered at the loss of heat and curled up. "I mean it!" Katsuki shouted exasperatedly. Ochako stirred and put her hand over her eyes.

"Stop whining like a pig, I'll get up," Ochako grumbled, still half asleep. Katsuki muttered some things under his breath before exiting the room. Ochako eventually stumbles out of her room, still in her pajamas with her school uniform in her arms.

"I'm going to have a shower," Ochako said with half lidded eyes. 

"No, come eat first," Katsuki said, pulling her attention. Ochako turned and her eyes widened. On the table was Katsuki eating his food, matching plate next to him. He had two pieces of toast, covered in avocado with bacon and poached eggs on top. Ochako finally recognised the smell wafting in the air. Her eyes brightened as she pounced to her plate.

Instantly she started to dig in. She consumed her plate like a hungry animal who hadn't eaten food in weeks. Katsuki ignored her and calmly ate his. He glanced over to her and rolled her eyes but felt pity for her. How poor was she that something as simple as this makes her go feral?

After that the two finished, they got ready and left through the door. They moved to the train station and got tickets. Katsuki had been living with Ochako for almost two weeks now as he went with her before the sports festival. Living with one of your classmates who doesn't have a lot of money is strange but Katsuki doesn't really care. He can help her and she's helping him. It's a win on both sides.

They sat next to each other on the train. They chatted about recent events as the train started moving, Katsuki being silent about a worry that he is feeling. But then a small kid came up to them, no older then four with a look of awe on his face.

"Wow, it's you two from the festival right? The flying girl and bomb boy," the kid said, like he was seeing a man pick up a car with one hand. Both Ochako and Katsuki turn to him, slightly shocked and taken aback by their sudden presence. Ochako smiles brightly at the boy.

"Yes we are," she said. Katsuki nodded his head, not sure on what to do. He doesn't have any experience with kids. They are all so bright and blunt, he's not exactly sure what to do.

"Oh, wait you are the kids from the festival. You two were awesome," a male says from beside them, looking up from his phone. Ochako smiles awkwardly and shakes her hand at the male, turning her head away as he face grows into a blush. Katsuki smirks at her.

"Oh no, no, I'm not that strong. He is," Ochako said, motioning towards Katsuki who frowned down at her at her sentence. He was about to say something but the other male spoke up. 

"Um, that's just false, coming from the girl who won the two first events," the male said. Ochako stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. Katsuki scoffed and smirked and elbowed Ochako, but not hard.

"See round face," he told her with a grin. Ochako thanked the man and nodded her head, turning back to Katsuki.

"Yes I do Kacchan," she said.

"Are you two dating?" a woman's voice asked. Both teens squeaked at the question.

The duo had encountered several more people that recognised them on their way to school. It was like they had become minor celebrities over night. But both agreed it was kind of uncomfortable with how people were acting. The two walked into class, talking with each other the entire way.

They entered, one of the first people. Katsuki's eyes were instantly drawn to a desk. But it was not his. That desk belongs to a particular electric blonde friend of his. Denki Kaminari, the winner of the sports festival. 

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