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Naomasa looked into the interrogation room, slightly fearful. There was something unnerving about the man in there. It may be his appearance but Naomasa also remembers when they had met. He seemed like a bomb that would explode any moment and what was worse he seemed smart. Maybe not in the academic way but most certainly in knowledge. He seemed powerful in both physical aspects and intelligence aspects despite the fact he looks like a heretic and about to crumble any second.

Dabi sat in an interrogation room. Despite him coming in willingly, quirk cancelling cuffs were immediately placed on him. The reason being was Naomasa asked Doc what his quirk was and her answer was scary. He can emit fire hotter than Endeavour, able to turn someone completely into ash in seconds. Naomasa doesn't feel comfortable going in there without that safety net, not anybody else.

Which is why Eraserhead would be with him. Naomasa doesn't know much about him, no one does but what they do know is that he doesn't like a lot of people. But from their brief interaction, Dabi seems to somewhat respect Eraserhead. 

Naomasa and Aizawa looked to the left when they heard approaching footsteps. All-Might, Endeavour, Green Tornado and Ice Queen were walking over to them. Naomasa nodded a greeting.

"Hello," Green Tornado waved. Endeavour bowed slightly and looked into the interrogation room and frowned.

"So this is the guy who knows Izuku?" Endeavour asked, a bit sceptical. All-Might nodded his head.

"I don't think Izuku would have been affiliated with someone like this," he said. Aizawa let out a low growl and quietly muttered.

"How would you know?" with a snarl that only Naomasa could hear.

"What happened to him? It looks like he was burned alive," Green Tornado asked.

"Not burned, frozen. Those are freeze burns, why are they all over his body like that?" Ice Queen asked. Naomasa sighed as he walked into the interrogation room door, Aizawa behind him.

"That's what we're hoping to find out," Naomasa said. He took in a deep breath, trying to quell his ensuing nerves. Aizawa noted his hand shaking slightly as he opened the door. Dabi had looked extremely bored before but now he has a smile on his face. Naomasa gulped at the creepiness of it as it stretches his stitches across his face.

"Hey detective, you got some questions you need to ask me?" he asked with a smug smile. Naomasa put on a hard expression, trying to hide his nerves. Aizawa looked at Dabi who didn't really give him any acknowledgement. Aizawa also was holding a book and a pen.

"Yes we do," Naomasa said, him and Aizawa finding their seats across from him. Dabi still had a wide smile over his face as he looked over the two.

"So what do you wanna know first? Me or Izuku?" Dabi asked, leaning back over his chair. He pulls his cuffed hands behind his head and smiled dangerously at them. Naomasa took in a breath, determined to not look scared in front of him. Aizawa rolled his eyes and leaned forward, glaring down the scarred man.

"We'll go with Izuku first," he said, before looking over to Naomasa. He gives him a nudge. Naomasa blinks, before coughing into his closed hand. He brings up a note pad and looks over to Dabi.

"Alright, I suggest that you don't lie as my quirk is lie detection. Now first question, why did you request two weeks before coming here?" Naomasa asked. Dabi scoffs and rolled his eyes.

"To find Izuku," Dabi said. Naomasa eyes widen, he was telling the truth. He raised an eyebrow at the man in front of him.

"To find Izuku? So you know where he is," Naomasa says. Dabi laughs and shakes his head.

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