Class 1-a Quirk Assessment

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Izuku was at school the next day. Himiko was with him as well but currently she was helping with Midnight to do something. Honestly Izuku thinks that she isn't really helping with anything, it's just an excuse for the two to 'hang out.' Izuku still hasn't got to Midnights weird childish side. It is quite similar to Himiko's, but the main difference is that Himiko is 15 while Midnight is 30 years old and commonly makes sexual references towards almost everything.

Izuku was currently in the staff room with a laptop leant to him by Nezu. Currently Izuku was watching over the entrance exam footage. He was watching his two classes students and how they are using their quirks. 

Ibara Shiozaki was using her quirk to hold robots in place. With how young she is, she seems to have excellent control over her quirk which makes Izuku wonder how her parents act towards her. Neither of them are heroes and both work at a church which makes Izuku wonder if it was her choice or theirs. Her vines could stretch at least 150 metres from what Izuku could observe however they don't seem to have a lot of power. She used them to constrict robots in place and stop them from moving, but that took quite a few vines, even from the weaker robots. SHe only properly destroyed two robots but subduing them in place still counts in destroying them.

Shihai Kuroiro has a quirk called black. It's similar to his friend Akito, He has pure black skin and a quirk that only works in darkness. The difference though is that Akito can teleport in darkness while Shihai merges into darkness. From what Izuku read on his file, Shihai can't move in darkness but its likely because he hasn't leaned to do it yet. He subdued the robots by merging into the shadows of the robots and flipping off their switches.

Speaking about flipping switches, the few other student who did that as their main method in destroying the robot was Toru Hagakure. Her quirk makes her permanently invisible which must be annoying for her. Not necessarily a villainous quirk, but definitely one that other kids would blame if something went missing. The fact that she was invisible meant that the robots couldn't track her. They used movement tracking cameras instead of infa-red to not target students through walls. As long as she wasn't hit through crossfire, the robots couldn't actually harm her. 

It's a bypass to the system which can't be fixed unless the hero commission allows it. But Izuku won't complain, its not a physical destruction quirk like most of the others.

Speaking of destruction quirk, Denki Kaminari. It isn't physically destructive, well except electronics. His quirk is called electrification. He spews electricity from the entirety of his body, like a discharge. He has no control on the direction and the amount he produces seems to indicate the power and range. The more powerful he makes it, the larger the range it has. But if he uses to much electricity at once, he goes braindead. Or, very stupid in laymen's terms.

On the surface, an elemental quirk like electricity seems perfect for heroics. But when looking at statistics, only two heroes globally have electric quirks. A Japanese hero who has recently become an independent hero Electro Whip and a British hero Shatter Shock who can make electric burst emit from his body by physical impact by something. Most 'electric' based quirks are actually lightning like Electroplant. 

The reason why it's like this because electric quirks are normally very hard to control. They usually damage the user both physically and mentally and not by small amounts. They also are very hard to control generally. Lightning based quirks have this similar problems but support items and practice usually rectify this. Electricity quirks are harder for support items to be made as usually the lack of control distorts circuits or disrupts nearby circuitry. They really are just are unpredictable.

So when Izuku first saw him activate his quirk, Izuku presumed it was lightning. But after watching the entire video and seeing the boy completely out of it. Drool dripping out of his mouth and his arms moving forward and back with his thumbs up. Meaning he lost his cognitive function. A drawback that electric quirks have, not lightning.

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