Defeating Shigaraki

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Izuku and Himiko sat next to each other at a large round table. The two looked around and gaged at the other people he could see. Most of them were heroes, top ones too. Miriko, Edgeshot, Best Jeanist, Gang Orca and other ones as well. 

But there were also some Hero committee members, probably people high up in the ranking. Izuku wasn't sure if he should hate this people or just be in different as the hero committee is the biggest factor in why people with 'villainous quirks' and those who are quirkless are treated the way they are. But Izuku wasn't sure if they were a direct part of it and had any say in it.

Oh but he definitely hated Chikara Irajak. He was the head and face of the hero committee. If you want to be a hero or whatever publicity you gain is managed by him. If anything bad defacing heroes appear, he removes them within an instant. Izuku would like a few choice words with him.

But he would have to hold off on that though as he was arriving with Nezu. Currently the heroes and hero committee members were all waiting for those two to arrive as none of them knew why they were here, they were called. Izuku and Himiko were currently in their vigilante gear, hero gear? It still is a bit iffy but they aren't in trouble with the law.

Other heroes and committee members were side eyeing them, sending them glares or glances. Himiko glared back at all of them while snuggling up to Izuku. Izuku had his arm wrapped around her back and grabbing her waist, pulling her in. 

However they weren't alone, Miss Joke was here as well and she was happily talking with them like everyone else didn't matter. Izuku and Himiko smiled and talked back with her, Unfortunately Eraserhead couldn't be here as he was currently on the training camp trip with class 1-a and b.

Izuku wondered how they were going and if they were getting along. He knew some class 1-b members were a bit jealous of class 1-a as they are known to have survived a villain attack and did far better in the tournament. Also Neito was an asshole already so he may spur up some things with the other class. Mainly Katsuki.

Izuku did wonder why Endeavour, Ice Queen, Green Tornado and All-Might weren't here. They were top heroes and all other big heroes were as well. They probably will be apart of whatever they were doing but left out of the room since Izuku and Himiko would be in here. Izuku was thankful for that as he hated all of them.

Not too long later the door opened. Two people walked in. Nezu trotted along with his innocent gaze and small upturned lips. But the tall man behind him wasn't nearly as cheery. He had a green suit and red tie. His hair gelled cleanly except for a clump of dyed yellow hair standing up straight. He had plain black glasses with a resting bitch face.

Izuku and Himiko caught his eyes looking at them and they narrowed into a glare. The two glared back with ferocious intensity which everyone else missed except for Miss Joke and Nezu. Nezu ignored and walked forward. He made it too his step stool and walked up of it. Nezu looked around the room and nodded his head. He raised his paw to his throat and coughed a bit too clear it.

"Hello everyone. You are all here in hopes of eradicating the threat of The League Of Villains,"

Katsuki sat next to Eijiro on the boss and talked a bit. Neito Monoma, otherwise known as whiney baby, dubbed by Katsuki. He tried to get a rise out of the explosive teen but Katsuki just ignored him.

Izumi was speaking with Momo, talking about some new fashion media that has popped around. Izumi felt happy that people will still talking to her, but she knew she wasn't really clean with them. But could you blame her? She didn't want to be hated but she was confused why she wasn't.

Katsuki was loved by his classmates and looked up to. He was a type of leader. Izumi knew that most of them didn't know about what her and Katsuki did, but she did know that at least some of them did. Mainly Kyoka and Ochako. Those two aren't rude to her, but they ignore her which is better then being mean. She is also sure that Denki and Eijiro know as well seeing as how often they hang around the explosive teen but they still are nice to her, although less so then how they are with others.

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