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Izuku groaned, looking up. He was in the small bathroom that was in his caravan, the toilet touching his thigh. His hands were pushed up against the sink and his eyes were focused on the mirror, staring intensely at himself.

God he was such a mess. First was Dabi being kidnapped and most likely killed. He has seen no signs of him and it has destroyed Izuku. He was getting better, but bad things were still coming. Izumi was now going to be in the class he teaches. The pain of her memory still stings and hurts Izuku. But what he had to do yesterday was close to torture.

At least he won't have to worry about Shoto and Zyato again.

He was mentally preparing himself. It had been so long since he had seen Izumi. He hasn't interacted with her since the day she told him to kill himself. Since then, he has seen her twice. First time at the café he used to sing at and the second time when Denki fought them. Now he had to interact with her as a teacher. She is under conditions to only address him as Hope and respect him. She will be in serious trouble if Hope or Carmilla get into problems with her.

But it hardly makes the situation better. He can't really rely on Himiko either because she'll be death glaring her the entire time. Izuku may need to restrain her to not rip her apart. A knock is at the bathroom door and it finally makes Izuku tear his eyes away from the mirror. He reaches his hand over as the door was right next to him and Himiko was behind it.

She was pouting and had her arms crossed over her chest.

"Izu~ I understand your stressed but don't stand in the bathroom for 15 minutes. We have to get doing now too," Himiko says. Izuku sighs and nods his head. He stumbles over to her and pushes his head into her neck. He weakly wraps his arms around her waist and Himiko reciprocates by wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I know, I know. I'm trying my best," he says, cuddling up to her making Himiko giggle.

"If she does anything though, you know I'll protect you," Himiko says. Izuku smiles and releases a light scoff.

"I'm worried you'll protect me a little to well," Izuku responds making Himiko laugh. 

Izuku takes in a deep breath. He looks behind him and Himiko nods happily, flashing him a thumbs up. Izuku smiled and nods his head. He then looked back over to the oversized door. Slowly he pushed it open. As soon as he did, he could feel all eyes turn on him.

Izuku recognised the normally empty seat at the back was filled and ignored it. He swept his eyes across the classroom not looking at that seat. He then smiled widely at them and clapped his hands.

"Welcome back class, I hope your holidays and internships went well," Izuku says with a bright smile with Himiko waving behind him. As Izuku mentioned the internships a certain raven haired teen tightened his fist. Mina stood up from her chair and shot her hand up.

"Hope! Carmilla! Are you two okay, you guys were everywhere on the news!" Mina said slightly frantic. Several other class members nodded their head in agreement. Izuku waved his hand and gave the class a bright smile.

"It was certainly stressful but Nezu and Eraserhead are helping us out. Soon we'll be proper heroes. But I'm not exactly looking forward to the reporters asking us questions," Izuku said sheepishly, rubbing his neck. He then shook his head and smiled brightly again.

"Never mind that now, we have heroics! Everyone go grab yourself your hero uniform. Carmilla, mind grabbing Shinso for us?" Izuku asked. Carmilla jumped up happily and nodded her head.

"Absolutely, be back in a jiffy," Carmilla replied before skipping out of the classroom. Izuku followed her out but before he left he turned back to the students who were getting out of their chairs. 

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