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Eraserhead walked away from the booth. He had some time to waste while the injured students were patched up. The team battle was a lot more violent then what he would have thought. 

Katsuki was the main reason for that, but it looked like something happened. He thinks Katsuki may have had a panic attack from how he acted but he couldn't be to sure. He just knows that when Jurota and Mezo ran at them for the second time, Katsuki became ten times more violent.

But everyone was fine. He was impressed by Denki, Ochako and Hitoshi. The trio using Hitoshi for an easy victory with Ochako's quirk. Very few of the students could actually reach them and many of them realised that obtaining the one million points was impossible. 

But thinking about this stuff is the last thing Eraserhead wanted to do. Sitting next to Present Mic as he screamed in excitement about everything was wearing him down. He needed a coffee as well as some Panadol. 

"Shota!" a cheery voice yelled. Eraserhead stopped his walk and threw his head back. He groaned, long and exasperatedly. His eyes were shut as he tried his best to tame himself and mentally prepare himself with this encounter. Slowly and begrudgingly,  Eraserhead turned around and spotted Emi, or otherwise known as Miss Joke who was walking over to her.

"Joke," Eraserhead said in a monotone voice. Emi laughed and and flopped her hand down. She smirked up at the taller male and elbowed him in the side. 

"Aw don't be so cold Eraser. Besides, I hear you have a new student to take care of now," she winked which made Eraserhead audible grunt. Causing another laugh to vibrate from Miss Joke. "But I must ask, is he your son?" she asked.

Eraserhead growled before turning around and stomping away. Emi laughed and chased after him. He had been bothered by that fact by Izuku, Himiko and several other staff members of UA. He doesn't need Emi of all people to bother him about it.

"Come on Shota! Don't be such a sour puss," Emi laughed while jogging to keep up with him.

Katsuki had no clue where he was. He knew that he was on something that was trying to be comfortable but was just to hard for it's purpose. A bed? It didn't matter, he felt like shit and his eyes and hands hurt.

Katsuki stretched out and quickly pulled himself back in when he realised whatever he was laying on was small. He let out an annoyed growl. He definitely was on an infirmary bed. Katsuki quickly wiped his eyes. He placed a hand on the back of his bed and pushed himself up. Katsuki moaned. He felt exhausted.

Finally finding the power with in himself, he opened his eyes. He was indeed in the infirmary. Katsuki looked around and saw no one else was in there, not even Recovery Girl. Katsuki got up from the bed. His throat felt dry and he could feel his face burn.

He had bandages on his palms but none were covering his fingers. His hand aches and he could only guess it was from his explosions. Katsuki growls and puts his hand on his face before sliding it down. 

He walked over to the sink and filled himself a cup of water. This is fine isn't it? Katsuki shakes his head and quickly grabs his water and scoffs it down. He coughs and shakes his head. It wasn't enough so he fills up his cup again.

The door opens and Katsuki turns around to look at who enters. Recovery Girl came in with Eijiro behind her. She spotted Katsuki by the sink and gave him a warm smile. 

"Looks like your up sweetie. I'll be with you in a second," Recovery Girl said and waved her arm over for the boy behind her. Katsuki looked up to his shark toothed friend. Their eyes met and Eijiro gave him a blinding smile and gave Katsuki a thumbs up.

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