Blood Sucking Teen

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Izuku sprinted to where he heard the scream. The scream had been down an alleyway. Izuku looked down the corner and his blood ran cold. Two bodies laid in the alleyway. One of them wasn't that far from the entrance while the second one was all the way down at the end. However their was someone else down their.

They were a girl, couldn't be older than Izuku himself. They had blonde hair done into two messy buns at the top of her head. She was wearing a small skirt and a cream coloured cardigan. But what she was doing chilled Izuku. She sat atop of that dead body. They were pouring out blood and it covered a lot of her clothes. She held a knife covered in lots of blood and was adamantly licking it.

Izuku had to do something but he didn't know what. This girl had killed two adults and it looked like with little issue. What was her quirk? From how much Izuku can see from her, their isn't much he can determine. 

He had to stop her. Izuku can't allow a murderer run free and this person seems giddy about murdering others. But what was Izuku going to do? She was obviously dangerous and very capable at what she does. Even with his quirks, it might not be good enough to take her down.

Wait! His knew quirk. Izuku had completely forgotten about it. The quirk from that girl with the glowing freckles. The one he had to save Akito from. Izuku hadn't had time to test it out but he knows he produces light from freckles that connect together to create barriers. Luckily for Izuku, he has plenty of freckles to use. He also had the energy spear quirk but he currently can't use it. Not until he figures out how to increase his quirk capacity.

That reminds Izuku. He knows this may not be the best time to be thinking about his quirk. There are two dead people with a murderer sucking the blood out of one of them. But Izuku knows no matter how hard he tries, his curiousity will take over him no matter what. Can he take quirks from dead people? It isn't known how quirks work when people die, if they disappear or just sit there, unable to activate. Izuku knows mutant quirks don't disappear after death but that wasn't to much of a leap to make. But it was obvious that neither of these people have a mutant quirk so they either have a transformation or emitter quirks. Can he still take their quirk at post mortem.

Izuku slowly creeps into the alleyway, not wanting to alert the girl of his presence. He got low and reaches his hand towards the body before stopping. This person was dead and he was about to touch them! It was disgusting. Izuku had only now realised the seriousness of this situation. He wanted to puke, the sight before him was horrendous but he had to hold out. This was a murder situation and he had to stop her before anyone else got hurt. 

If he wanted to be a hero, he had to get used to these situations. He had to know how to deal with these situations because no matter how good people are, there are so many people who are way worse.

Izuku covered his eyes and touched the man. Izuku presumed he didn't need to grab the mans face as he couldn't deny Izuku consent. Izuku felt the familiar rush of a quirk going into his body. The feeling however felt fat, and refreshing. Izuku was confused at the feeling but couldn't delve deeper into it. He'd be on it all day trying to figure out his quirk when he can't even use it. 

Izuku looked up to the girl to see her stabbing the dead body again and licking the blood off of her knife. So her knife was obviously her weapon and use of attack. The body next to Izuku was covered in cut and stab wounds so if he can protect himself from that he should be fine. His heavy skeleton quirk should protect him, however if she has some type of speed quirk. Their will be a problem.

Izuku will become slower the more metal he creates on his body and if he can't defeat this girl fast enough. When he get's to tired, the metal slowly disappears back into Izuku's body and leave Izuku immobile. It's a bad drawback if Izuku can't defeat his opponent before that happens. But Izuku always has other quirks he can use like bolt, tentacles hemomorphy and constellation. They are all more complicated to use and Izuku still needed more practice. But in this situation, he has to try.

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