I Understand Now

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Eraserhead was out on the streets early in the morning. Very early in the morning. Eraserhead would have taken the day off in normal circumstances after just being in the police station for hours, but right now he needed to find someone. 

Thanks to his knowledge of All-Might's identity and quirk Dabi could technically get off scot free. He knows that Naomasa would never let him go on the prospect that he is a criminal so Eraserhead has made him his partner. It's not doing him any favours, Eraserhead doesn't want nor need a partner but it just makes the situation a lot easier. Especially when getting information from him.

Knowing that he is the son of the number two and thirteen hero is concerning. The fact that Aizawa didn't know he existed didn't make him any less concern. Off of articles from the man, he knew he had four kids with the eldest one being a daughter. But to his knowledge the other male that isn't Shoto has an ice quirk. So was he erased or something? What happened?

Aizawa would have to ask that later as Dabi is probably not willing to say anything else that would bring back harmful memories. He does need Dabi to trust him as it is clear that he is the only person Dabi has taken seriously or respects. He did ask a few more questions to him that wouldn't set off a trigger. Like his age and when he ran away. Dabi is twenty-five and he is pretty sure that the eldest daughter is twenty-three which raises a few more questions for the tired hero. 

Dabi had ran away ten years ago which does make sense to Aizawa. It was about that time when Endeavour had a notable change of character. He was always cold and arrogant with a very short fuse. He had the most property damage of any other hero in Japan within his first two years of being a solo hero and has triple the civilian causalities of the other top ten heroes combined and the  stats of how many villains he has killed wasn't open for the public to see. Meaning they were bad.

But a decade ago, he improved. He became nicer to the civilians and often tried to hold his fuse instead of lashing out whenever he felt like it. He wasn't successful some of the time but he was improving. But the most notable thing was his stats. His property damage had more than halved it would have otherwise been in three months. His casualties had gone to being the most of any pro hero by a reasonable number rather than triple with all top ten heroes combined and his villain kills had changed from any old crook to being the dangerous villains only. He has improved a lot since then and has become a lot more respected hero than what he was before.

But Aizawa was more concerned about his wife, Ice Queen. When Endeavour had entered the room and apologised to Dabi, wouldn't you have thought Ice Queen would have done the same? When they had left the room, Endeavour was looking over to Dabi yet he couldn't help but notice that she wasn't. It seemed like to him she was choosing to look away. He did some research on her a decade ago it seems like nothing had changed in her character or performance on handling situations. She was a lot better than Endeavour, although most heroes were but it's clear that both her and Endeavour had done something to Dabi (He doesn't want to be called Touya which Eraserhead hadn't questioned), but it isn't clear as to what.

But right now he'll have to put that to the back burner for the moment. Right now he has a vigilante couple to find.

Eraserhead runs across the street, hoping from roof tops or just running across the street. It is a bit annoying having to stop occasionally to stop a mugging or a drunken brawl but he's a hero, he can't ignore it even if something more important needs to be done. Unless it's dire. 

Eraserhead runs across the street, his feet are starting to hurt and he can feel himself becoming increasingly annoyed. He knows that they are out tonight but he hasn't caught a glimpse of them yet. Until now. Eraserhead sees movement in the corner of his vision on the roof tops. He whips his head around and sees them running across incredibly quickly. Catching up to them will be incredibly difficult. 

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