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Basically want to give a trigger warning to those who start this book. It is poorly written, and it has to be one of my worst books. I had decided to unpublish it but with people asking me to keep it up, I did. Please do not attack me for this book. It was written when I first started writing.


My teeth softly chattered as I walked down the long hallway, going towards my fathers office. He had said my name very sternly, and it made think. What have I done? My father is a very strict man, especially about his craft, and he is not to be played with. Growing up, I've never had any real problems. Since my dad was Gabriel, the Gabriel, I've always had people respect me and whoever I'm accompanied with.

My heart raced as I got closer to the room. The hallway was dark, and there was no light seeping from the small space under the room door, so I knew it was dark as well. I walked with heavy feet to let him know that I was coming, but who am I kidding, if he's called for me, he knows I'll come. I gently placed my hand on the knob and turned it. I hesitantly walked in, feeling the tense energy.

I stood there, looking at the back of his head as he faced the window. "Yes, father?" I asked confidently as I stood in front of his wooden desk.

His desk was large and on top were a bunch of papers. There was a glass with the very faint look of a brown substance. I was sure that it was scotch. The cup was tipped over and spilled onto one of the papers and I mentally groaned, hoping that it wasn't anything important. My father has been letting himself go lately, and I think he's fallen into a depression. My mother passed years ago, two to be exact, but he was still broken. He hasn't had a lover since.

The room was dim and smelled of strong liquor. The drapes were opened for the first time in a few days, and that's because it was dark out.

I started to feel a bit intimidated as he slowly titled his head to the side, not even looking at me. My father always looked me in the eyes when he talked. "You will meet someone by the name of Alesso. He is a man of business, and I will not be saying what business. You are to be his date tomorrow, and I don't want to hear any whining, or there'll be consequences. He is to be gentle with you, and if he's not, I'll handle it. Be on your best behavior".

I gulped as I took a very small step closer to his desk, now only being inches away. Alesso. I knew who Alesso was, everyone did. He is one of the most feared men in our country. He is rumored to be a Mafia don. He is more threatening than my father, and I heard he's not one to be played with. He doesn't like when people defy him, and hates being given dirty looks. All I've ever heard were horrible things about him. This has to be a mistake.


"No if, ands, or buts about it. You are to be on your best behavior, and I'm not joking around with you. He is expecting you." He said. His voice, quiet but stern. I nodded as I took a step back, being as quiet as a mouse. I suddenly stopped walking once he spoke again. "Good impressions, do you understand?"

"Yes, father" I said.

He nodded and dismissed me by fanning his hand away. I squinted my eyes at his rudeness and turned around, strutting out of the room. He's forcing me to meet him. My father never forces me to do anything. I've always been able to do what I wanted, no matter the consequence. I'm an adult anyways.

I headed down the hallway, feeling frustrated at what he had just told me. Good impressions. I'll show him a good impression.

I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I flopped on my bed, feeling overwhelmed with the fact that it wasn't even a choice. Why did I have to meet him? What's so great about Alesso. He's rude, and very mean. I'm too soft and sensitive for him. I don't know him at all. Aggression, violence, or even abuse could be the case for him. Who knows.

Lost in my thoughts, I heard a very small knock on the door. Before I could answer, Benjamin opens the door. "Diana" my brother softly muttered, coming in and softly closing the door.

My brother is the absolute definition of a prince. He was tall, maybe about six four. He was skinny, but worked out, so his pecks and abs were showing. He always had his hair styled, saying that it made him look more attractive. Sweet, and always there for me.

The time where we got closer was when my mother passed. She had been battling cancer for a year and it unfortunately took her away from us. She was the strongest woman I knew, and still is. Standing just a whopping five five, she was slim in the waist and thick in the thighs. She had the most beautiful eyes, being light brown like mines, and had such beautiful skin. She was the sweetest lady I knew, and gave the best warm hugs. Sometimes when I miss her, I cuddle myself up to a pillow I've been laying on. The warmth brings back memories, and I am instantly soothed from whatever mood I was in.

Her and my father were the best example for a power couple. She was the apple of his eye. Due to him being so successful, he didn't make her work. As his lady, she would do the small things since he did the big things. Steaming his clothes, making his favorite meals, running his bath water after a long day, preparing him lunch to take to work. All of these things stopped when she got sick, and I knew he missed them dearly. He always respected her, and let no one make her feel unwanted or unneeded. He would shower her daily with gifts, big or small, just to let her know that he loved and appreciated her. I always said that when I grow up, I want a relationship like theirs. Now being twenty two and single, I feel it is time to find someone to love me the way he loved her.

"Did he tell you?" He asked, walking to my bed and sitting at the very edge. He looked a bit spooked, and maybe it was because of the way he thought I'd handle it.

"You knew?" I asked. He brought his gaze away from his fingers and looked at me, nodding his head. "You should have told me".

He shook his head and scrunched his face up, seeming to wish that he did. "I know, but Father said that you don't have to date him. He's not forcing you, you know he would never do that. Alesso just needs someone with a good look to attend the dinner with him, and Father said that you're perfect for it".

I sighed at his statement. Why is my father volunteering me to a rough man. There is no way I'd last with a guy like him. "He couldn't have chosen anyone else?"

"No. Alesso is trying to make his appearance more positive. He needs a lady like you to be seen with. Father has only spoken positively about you everywhere he goes. There has been some of the finest men lined up to take you out, but he says he will not treat you like an auction"

I hope so.

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