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I softly hummed, squinting my eyes at the sunlight that seemed to invade me every morning since I've been here. As I laid against the silk sheets, I couldn't help but smile at the memory of Alesso's heavily tattooed body on top of mines. He had stuffed me with so much dick that my pussy felt so sore afterwards. It was so worth it though.

I'm guessing Alesso felt my energy of me being awake because he reached his hand over, pulling his hand under the cover and running it across my naked back. After our shower last night, I decided to sleep naked as Alesso put on underwear. He ran his hand along the small of my back, soon coming to my ass and gripping it. I turned around to see that he had the same cheesy smile on his face that I did.

"So beautiful in the morning". His face was as beautiful as the eyes could see and I talked myself into just keeping quiet. I wanted to say so many things to him, but settled for something less crazy.

"I know" I said, making him chuckle. Now is my time to be arrogant. He's always so high and full of himself, but by the way he groaned last night I could feel the same.

"Come here". His small words were more of a demand, but I couldn't move. My legs were stiff and my pussy still ached from taking something so big last night. He pulled me closer to him, soon pushing my hair back. I felt like a little kid in his arms.

His warm skin against my face made me snuggle deeper into him, placing my whole face on his chest and hearing his heart beat. His was more slower than mines, but alive.

"The chef should be here in an hour to make breakfast" he said. His voice sounded as if he had been in a screaming match, but I'm sure it was from him just now waking up.

"A hour? What time is it?"


I smiled to myself, soon looking up at him. "I think there's a reason we both woke up this early"

"Morning sex?" He smirked.

The tenderness between my legs convinced me otherwise as I had started to think about that.

"No, we could work out together"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I think I'd like morning sex better". He lowered his hand to my lower back and gently caressed the skin, making me sigh.

"But I'm so sore" I pouted.

I probably shouldn't have said this. His ego is already as big as it gets, and now I know for a fact that he'll feel like the man after hearing me say that I still felt sore.

He shrugged and pulled me closer. "It's okay. Let's just talk though, I don't feel like working out".

"Well I don't have anything to talk about so I'll just close my eyes and embrace how nice you are, holding me tightly"

"Don't make me squeeze you, okay?"

"Mhum" I smiled as I let out a small breath. The quietness lasted for a while and I soon fell asleep, waking up a few hours later.

When I opened my eyes, Alesso was no where to be seen.


"Levi Ivanov" I clapped as the door to my basement was being pulled open for me. Once I entered the room, the door closed and I looked at my men that were standing around. I almost wanted to thank them for capturing this fucker, but I didn't. This shit should have been done ages ago, yet they've only been able to track him down recently. They found him last night circling one of my clubs. I'm not sure if he thought I was there, but it was a dumb move.

The fat son of a bitch sat there in the chair with his hands zip tied behind his back. I requested for my men to nail his legs to the chair, so they did, using the famous power screw driver.

For some odd reason they had stripped him of his shoes and I could see his toes wiggling through his socks. "Poshel na khuy!". His thick Russian accent sharply hit my ears.

(Fuck you!)

I rolled my eyes as I came deeper into the room, seeing the blood coming from his mouth. One of my men must have punched him. "English buddy".

"Prosto znay, chto yesli ty ub'yesh' menya, moi lyudi otrezhut tebe chlen!"

(Just know that if you kill me my men will cut your dick off)

I sigh as I can't understand a word he says. He knows I'm only fluent in English and Italian, yet he chooses to speak in a language that sounds as if he's just saying things aggressively.

"dice che se lo uccidi i suoi uomini ti taglieranno il cazzo"

(He says that if you kill him his men will cut your dick off)

Frances steps forward with a small grin on his face. My brother has been waiting for me to kill this fucker the day he walked out from our deal. He actually wanted his blood on his hands but I stopped him, saying that it wouldn't be good for our two mafias to go against each other. Things have changed now and I have no care in the world.

I chuckled "I forgot you took a Russian class when our father sent you to boot camp".

He gave me a sneer then looked at Ivanov again. "This fucker knows English, he's just choosing to be an asshole".

"I know" I nodded. Ivanov spoke very fluent the last time we talked. I'm sure his English has gotten better if anything.

"Your girl will know Russian by the time I'm done with her. Me and my men will fuck her until she bleeds from between her legs. Rape the little whore" Ivanov grouches, soon spitting on the floor beside him.

I quickly walk up to him, connecting my fist with his face. How dare he talk that way about her in my face?

His face turns to the side and there is a small cut on the side of his eye. He smiles and it infuriates me even more. I hit him again, and his tooth cuts my finger.

"She'll still fuck me this way" he smiled, showing that his front tooth was gone. He puckered his lips and spat the tooth out, making me clench my jaw.

I punch him, this time harder. I do it again and again until I'm satisfied. His face is no longer recognizable and I like it better that way. I'm sure his nose is fractured, and both of his eyes are swollen. Maybe that'll teach him to shut the fuck up. Oh wait, he's going to die.

I stand up and straighten my shirt up before turning around. "Peel his skin off then scrape him to death. If he doesn't die, you get to shoot him, Frances".

Frances gives me a smile and starts to crack his knuckles. I know how bad he wanted to do this, and now he'll have the chance.

Ivanov starts to laugh until my men speak at once.

"Yes, don"

"You can't do this. M-my men will come for you! Alesso! Wait-I'll make a deal. A million! Two million! Three! Alesso!" He yells.

The door opens for me and I exit. He thinks he's doing me a favor by offering me this? That's practically chump change.

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