Thirty one

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"My brat?" My father yelled as he was in the kitchen.

I had convinced Alesso that the both of us should stay here tonight. It's been a while since I've slept in my own bed. I rarely see my father and brother now, and I think it's much needed.

He walks from the kitchen with a glass in his hand, making me roll my eyes. He's drinking this late?

"Alesso! I hope you've been spoiling her" my father said, coming close to us and hugging Alesso. My father hugged me and looked down at me.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Nothing, I just miss you. I haven't had you here in a long time. We miss you here. I go in your room everyday just to see if you've appeared"

I pouted at his words and hugged him again, holding on to him tightly. It must be so sad to him that I'm not here. He has no other girl to love but me and it breaks my heart.

"I missed you so much. We're staying the night in my room" I said, pulling back and looking at him.

"Good good. Why don't you go ahead and go up, let me chat with Alesso"

I nodded and turned to Alesso. He smiled and nodded, giving me confirmation that I could leave the two of them alone.

I go into my room, adoring the smell of myself. My room smells just like me and my hair products, and it smells so good. I decide to shower and as I exit, Alesso enters my room.

He yawns and locks the door, making me smile. I enter my closet and drop my towel, desiring to sleep naked. I love how my sheets feel against my skin.

"Do you think you have anything I can wear? No girl shit, but maybe a shirt or something, I want to shower" Alesso's voice says.

I exit the closet and he smirks.

"No, but you can ask my father. He always has new clothes so he'd be happy to lend you something"

He nodded and left my room, leaving me to lay in bed. I laid there looking at the ceiling, remembering how good it felt to be here. Although I never have a care in the world, I feel like my fathers little girl again.

I love my space and it makes me not want to ever leave again. If only Alesso would move here I'd be fine.

Alesso soon comes back into the room with new underwear and a pair of shorts and a shirt. He sits the clothes on my bed and walks into my bathroom, soon disappearing for twenty five minutes.

My brother texts me to come to his room just as the water to the shower turns off, so I grab my robe and slide it over my naked body, exiting my room and walking down the long hall. I reach my brothers room, softly knocking on his door.

"Come in" I open the door and he is sitting there holding a picture. "Look what I found" he smiled.

I walked closer to him, seeing a picture of us with our mother. I had to be about two years old, and Ben was five. My hair was messy and we all had on swimwear.

I smile and take the picture from his hands, looking at the beautiful woman who's holding the both of us. "Can I have this? At least until I can make copies"

He nodded and pulled out another picture. "Father dressed me this day. My first day of school, I was so angry. Look at how ugly my pants were" he chuckled.

I soon laughed at the picture seeing his face frown as tears came from his eyes.

"Is that me?" I laughed harder at my younger self in the background. I had a bear in my hand, seeming to be amazed at how Ben was acting. I don't remember a thing.

"Yep. I remember saying that it wasn't fair because you didn't have to go to school. Father almost punished me that morning because of how I was acting but mother-" he smiled "-she wouldn't let him".

He soon sighed making me smile at the picture again. I don't know where he got these pictures from but they feel so nostalgic to see. After talking with him for a few minutes, I left his room with a few pictures in my hand.

I pushed the door open to my room to see Alesso sitting on my bed. He smiled as he looked over at me. I closed the door and locked it, soon sitting the pictures on my dresser.

"I thought you'd never come back"

His muscles on his inked skin flexed as he used his arms to help him get up, soon standing up. I got a nice glimpse of his ass before he turned around, making me cock my eyebrow. How does he have such a nice ass?

He turned to me, completely naked. His pecks raised as he breathed, walking closer to me. He looked so manly, I loved everything about him. The way his arms were a nice size, nice and big for a woman like me. His abs poked out a bit, and his pecks were deliciously sized. His dick was hard, making me wonder what he was thinking about.

I walked closer to him as his tall frame closed in on me, smiling up at him. He did say he was going to fuck me again.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked, feeling him wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to his chest.

"If I'm being completely honest, I was thinking about us going downstairs so I could fuck you against the stove, but that would be too much of a risk" he whispered.

I nodded my head, thinking about if we were caught. My brother and father would be scarred for life. "Way too risky" I said, playfully touching his peck with my pointer finger.

"See if we were back at my house, I could have fucked you there. We can do what we want at my place"

"Mhum. But since we're not at your place and we're at my house, I want to do something me and you have never done before. Are you into role switching?"


"Role switching?" I asked. She nodded, making me shake my head so she could elaborate more.

I've never played the sub role, and I don't think I would want to. I am a man of power and feel as if I should be that way in all aspects of life. I'm used to treating women like whores and fucking them the way I want to, not letting them fuck me. I've never been fucked, until Diana threw her ass back during back shots.

"I'll go into my closet and grab something while you listen to me. You have to do as I say, and I'll reward you. I won't hurt you" she shook her head.

I brung my hand up to scratch my head as I looked down at her. She wants me to be her sub.

"I don't know, amore. I'm not used to it"

She pouts and peels her cheek back. "It'll be fun"

Fuck it.

"Okay. Your wish is my command. What do I do first?"

She smirks and I can see something change in her eyes. I just entered the danger zone.

AlessoWhere stories live. Discover now