Forty nine

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A few days later it was time for Diana and I to leave for Turkey. I had business to do there and I definitely wasn't going to leave her back home. She was happy to travel with me, only complaining that she might be bored. I made sure to have her favorite shows recorded on the small television. I wanted her to be well and entertained, that way she would travel with me easily. I have to move around for work sometimes, and it may be unanticipated.

We had just boarded the private plane. I made sure to show her around so she could get comfortable, and that's what she did. We sat across from each other in a row, me easily being able to see her if I wanted to. I got the best view. She had her small blanket, pulling her feet into the chair and planting her eyes on the screen in front of her.

One of my servants came up to me to offer me a beverage, and of course I chose scotch. He shortly came back with the glass in his hand, and a bottle. I'm glad he knows that this shit will be gone.

After pouring me a nice amount, I looked over to Diana. She was glancing at me. Once she saw me look at her, she looked the other way. I could tell deep down inside that she wanted to roll her eyes. She's been having a bit of a attitude ever since last night. It's not my fault she has a smart mouth. She defied me again, resulting in another spanking. Maybe that'll teach her to shut it sometimes.

Going against me is never great for anyone, except her. I try to display my dominance towards her in ways that'll show that I'm the boss, but not hurt her feelings.

I try to let her win most of the small and petty arguments, holding back on saying what I really want to say. She swears she's right all the time, but half of the time she's not.

I brung my laptop with me, which helped me to get a few things done. My brother, Frances, came here with us on this trip, and he's handling most things so for the most part I can relax. Just have to get a few things done first.


Diana slept the whole flight, only waking up once to go use the restroom. It was cute to see her small body curled up in the chair with the cover over her. I on the other hand underestimated the work I had to do. What I thought could be done in a hour actually took me the whole flight.

Once the plane landed, I had a black Escalade with tinted windows come pick us up to take us to a hotel. The mansion I had here was in another city and would be too much to travel back and forth when I can just get a room and make it more convenient for myself. Luckily there is a mall nearby that Diana can go to. That'll give her something to do instead of being cooped up inside all day.

I come here twice, maybe three times a year for a checkup. I have a warehouse here, bigger than the one back home, where I keep most of my drugs here. My system is actually ran here. I get my men to package and transport my things back to home where I can distribute it and make my money. It's always good to come and make sure the guys are doing what they're supposed to.

Diana and I got settled in our hotel room. Frances wasn't here, he was actually roaming around. I had sent him to find something nice to eat and to see if he sees anything fun for Diana to do. Although I've been here many times before, I actually never paid much attention to the stores or anything.

Our hotel room was big, and actually like a mini apartment. I made sure to get the best hotel. There was a living room, a bedroom, bathroom, and more space to do whatever. The thing I liked most was the balcony. It was large, and had nice chairs. It would be nice for me to go out and smoke once I have free time.

My guards all had a room, of course, I'm not a monster.

Frances also had a room to himself, I would never let anyone share one with me and my girl. I like for her to be as comfortable as she can possibly be.

Diana had just walked past me with the cover over her shoulders and down her body. When she noticed me sitting on the couch, she came to sit by me, pulling her legs onto the couch and snuggling up close. I almost didn't let her because I've been trying to find out information, but who could resist her cute face. Her pink and plump lips parted as she laid on my shoulder, falling asleep again.

After I was done working, I just laid there until she started to move, which was about ten minutes later. I don't understand how she could still be tired from sleeping the whole flight.

"Bambina, I have to go-"

"What? It's night time" she pouted as she lifted her head, looking at me. Her brown eyes had expanded and she looked as if she'd been told horrible news.

"Frances has the food at the door. I told him not to knock because you were sleeping." I chuckled. She didn't even let me finish my sentence.

"Oh" she said as she pulled herself back and sat back on the couch with the cover wrapped around her.


Alesso got up from the couch and pulled the door open, revealing Frances with bags of food in his hand. I yawned as I watched him walk inside, still being a bit tired. I could barley get much sleep on the plane due to it being uncomfortable so the wave of tiredness followed me all the way here.

"What are we eating?" I asked as I stood up. I left the cover on the couch and walked to the counter where the food was being sat down.

"I found a burger joint. I'm not sure if it's good but they made the food in front of me so it's fresh" Frances said.

I mentally groaned. Although I like burgers, I'm getting tired of them.

Alesso smiled as he opened one of the bags. "Nice right? I know you like burgers so I like to get you some"

I smiled and nodded, not telling him that I liked pasta better. Alesso handed me a burger and I happily ate it as him and his bother talked about the things they would do. They spoke about certain 'meetings' and possibly going to 'off' someone. They tried to speak in codes but I was no dummy. Alesso is a mafia don. He whole life is illegal.

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