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It's been about a few days since Alesso and I last touched each other. Not that's it's by choice, but it's just what is convenient. From the start, he told me that he worked a lot, but I didn't think it would be this much. I've only been seeing him for a few hours of the day. He would leave early in the morning, and come back late at night. He'd only have time to shower and go straight to bed. No matter how many times I've tried with him, he denies me, and it's starting to piss me off. I am currently chopping onions for dinner tonight. I'm in the mood for shrimp for some reason.

I sliced right through the vegetable, coming down hard on the cutting board. Just as I bring the knife up, I hear Alesso's voice. He sounds to be in a flirty mood, talking with a bit of lean in his tone. He comes behind me and my waist is soon invaded with the feeling of his warm hands around me.

I quickly turn around, knife in my hand and I can't help the expression on my face. I've been so touch deprived that I've been really moody. Staying here within these walls only drive me crazier and I was starting to wish I could go back to before I even met him.

"Woah, amore" he chuckles before stepping back. He holds his hand in front of him, moving his head so his curly hair can move from blocking his view. He bites his lip "into knife play I see"

I tilt my head to the side as I cock my eyebrow. His cheesy smirk never leaves his face and I can feel my blood start to boil. "No. I'm pissed at you"

He rolls his eyes and pulls his hands down, seeming to be slightly aggravated at my emotions. "Pissed about what?"

"You have not touched me in three days. Yeah, I was counting. I want sex and you don't give it to me!" I hiss.

He looks at me, giving me the lustrous gaze that made me drop to my knees once before. His grey eyes are burning into me and something starts to throb but I can't tell what it is as all my attention is on him. He bites his lip before slowly releasing it.

"Sex. Amore wants sex so I should give it to her" he nods.

"Are you trying to test me?" I ask as I hold the knife up. He doesn't seem fazed at all and just shrugs his shoulders before walking up close to me. He quickly turns me around and presses his body against mines, making my stomach touch the end of the counter.

"Sex. You want to feel me deep inside you? It's been too long for you huh? My pussy has been waiting on me? Waiting for a good fucking session. Well your dick has been waiting for you all day" he whispers.

My breathing stills as I feel him brush his hand across my neck, moving my hair from one side to the other. I can feel the warmth of his breath as he comes closer, then the wetness of his tongue, licking a soft stripe against the soft skin.

"Oh god" I whisper to myself. I'm not sure if he understands the hold he has on me but I start to feel electric shock waves through my body every time he's near. It's like one second I'm hot, then I'm cold. I can't process a thing and I hate it, but also love it.

He pulls his hands down to grip the hem of my gown. He placed his palms flat on my thighs, moving his hands upwards.

"The guards. They'll see-"

"So. They'll ignore it or else I'll kill them" he breathes. His voice is quiet as if he doesn't want to get caught, but his words convince me that he is the boss around here.

He pulls my dress over my ass and moves his hands around to my stomach. His hand slips a bit and he cuffs my pussy, making me lay my head back onto his chest.

"Now I want you to unbutton my pants and pull them down so you can take your dick"

I slowly nod as I pull my hand behind me, grabbing the button to his pants. I'm not sure if he didn't wear a belt, or if he had already taken it off.

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