Twenty seven

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Alesso had told me that I would be in the house by myself, with the exception of the guards that were all over. I didn't give him a hard time when he left. If you ruin someone's morning, they'll have a bad day. He left me, wearing his nice shirt and dress pants.

He made a small joke about how he was going to buy me some every time he went to get some for himself since I'm always wearing them. I had slipped into one of his button downs as he got dressed. Even though he teased me about it, I know that he secretly loves it. He won't let me go home to get any clothes so I think that he likes the way they look on me.

I stood in front of the coffee maker as I held my phone to my ear. My coffee had just gotten done brewing so I was going to drink some. I was on the phone with Jennifer, telling her about something that I hadn't told anyone yet.

"Pregnant? There's no way" she chuckled as I grabbed the handle of the coffee pot.

"I'm not sure though, and I hope it's not true. I was supposed to come on my period a few days ago but I haven't. I'm just so scared, it's too soon" I groaned.

"So no condoms? Ana, what have I told you?" She sighed.

Jennifer was always on me about using protection, especially with new people. Since she was having sex before me, she knew way more than I did. She would always give me information and warn me about certain things.

I pouted. "Unfortunately, no. And don't scold me Jen, it- I was just in the moment. You don't know what it's like when he touches me. He makes me forget my middle name sometimes" I shook my head, pouring my coffee into my mug.

"He must be very charming. How do you think he'll react if you are?" She asked.

"I don't know Jen" I sighed. She sighed after me, causing me to groan. "We have not discussed anything about babies or anything so I'm not sure."

"Well did he think you were on birth control?"

"He didn't ask. He came inside me the first time we had sex and he's been doing it ever since. No pulling out, nothing" I said.

"Well it's not like he's dumb. He knows the possibilities so he should react well. If he doesn't, cut that motherfucker and leave him"

I chuckled as I brought the mug filled with coffee to my lips. "Definitely not doing that. He'll kill me himself"

"Well- babe now? Okay. Ana I have to go, someone here can't control themselves. I'll talk to you later".

I rolled my eyes as I heard the call end. Jake is always interrupting something. He always inserts himself in the mix and he makes things no fun sometimes.

I shake my head as I sit my phone down, taking a swallow of my coffee. It has creamer and sugar inside so it tastes very delicious.

"Pregnancy? You know Alesso won't react well to that, it's too early"

I turn around to the slightly familiar voice, soon seeing Devin. He makes me conscious about wearing such a small shirt. Even though it covers my ass, I don't think Alesso would want him to see me inside it.

"I-I know. That's why I'm scared to say anything. It's not confirmed, just a feeling" I shake my head.

Alesso's great friend gives me a glare that makes me a bit uncomfortable. He looks at me as if I disgust him, but I've only seen him a few times. He doesn't even know me.

I only know who he is because Alesso introduced me to him one of the past days. He said that Devin was a good friend to him, and I didn't care too much to really study him.

"Was this your plan? Get him all trapped? Possibly for his money?" He asked.

I sat my mug down and turned all the way towards him, pressing my back against the counter. If he must know, I have a source of income. My father has taken care of me since I've been born, and says he will continue to do so until he dies.

"Or to get him side tracked? It's too early to be talking about pregnancy" he scrunched his face up and talked as if being pregnant was such a bizarre thing. We had sex, things happen.

"It's not my choice. Do you think I've held him down and forced him inside me?" I asked. He chuckled before rolling his eyes.

"Look at you. It's not hard for you to seduce someone"

I scoffed at his ridiculous words. If anything, he's seducing me, not the other way around.

"Sex is a two person thing. It takes two to lay down and have consensual sex, and that's all we've been having, not that it's any of your business" I shook my head.

"Girl. Alesso is my business. I help him with all the shit that people can't help him with. The last thing he needs is another whore talking about she's pregnant"

I feel my chest start to tighten as I look over at him. He had a smug look on his face and it scares me. Does he really think this low of me?

"I am not a whore-" I shake my head.

He interrupts me, walking closer to me and making my breathing hitch. "You are to. You don't think I knew about the first time you had sex with him? A month. That's all it took for you to give it up to him?-"

"We're both adults-"

"I told him not to fuck with women like you. You side track him, pile your bullshit onto him, then the next thing you know he's falling off. He won't have anymore money, or his head won't be straight. Women like you deserve nothing-"

"Men like you deserve to be put in your place. Just wait until I tell him about how you're talking to me" I shook my head.

He chuckled and scoffed. "Yeah. Tell him about your early pregnancy while you're at it. Both of us will be dead"

He turned to walk away, leaving me puzzled. I can't believe he thinks Alesso will react that way. Will he? He makes me nervous by the way he was so confident in what he said. I don't even know what to do right now.

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