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As time went on, I started to feel a bit more nervous. Catherine kept glancing at me, but every time I would look at her she would look away and continue her conversation. Dinner was served like last time it was delicious. I ate almost everything on my plate and even had some cake afterwards.

It was the last time that she looked at me that I had enough. I instantly grew irritated that she was looking at me, and that it made me nervous. I shouldn't feel nervous because of her.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom"

I scooted my chair out, receiving a glance from Alesso. I ignored his voiceless question and exited the room, walking into the bathroom and standing in front of the mirror.

I couldn't for the life of me understand why I was so nervous about what they would say. Catherine is nice, and has been nice. Why do I think that she would all of a sudden get mean? I mean I know that it's early and that I probably got pregnant the first time we had sex but this is my life. Our life. This is our baby and like Alesso said, a child only needs two parents.

I place my hands on the counter and look up at myself in the mirror. I can't get over this. I'm pregnant.

My bizarre thoughts are soon interrupted when the bathroom door comes open. Alesso walks in and closes the door behind him, locking it. I look at him through the mirror as he walks over to me.

"I don't like it when you're like this" he shakes his head.

He pressed his body against mines, making me stand up straight. He brings his hand around and moves my hair to the back, making me shudder.

"When I'm like what?" I give him a small chuckle, looking at him through the reflection.

He laughs at my teasing and brings his hands down to my waist, gripping it firmly. "When you're nervous. We're having this baby and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I'm sure my mother will be more than great to hear the news but if she's not then she just won't be"

He bent down to kiss my neck, making me feel like I was barley able to hold my eyes open. "But the positive reactions will make me happier. I don't want our baby to be a burden"

"Our baby will not be a burden"

He licks a bold stripe, making me part my lips to breathe. He knows I can even function when he does this.

I slowly turn around to him and press my back against the counter. I place my finger tips in the pocket of his pants and pull him closer. He complies and presses his body against mines.

"Something to ease your mind" he whispered. He came closer to me and kissed my lips, making it very slow.

"Well what do you have in mind?" I breathed as I pulled back.

Without saying anything, he placed his hands under my arms, pulling me up and on the sink. "Sex" he whispered, making my pussy clench. I quickly lifted my dress as he attached his lips to mines, kissing me softly.

I spread my legs wide as he placed his hands at my waist, grabbing the band of my thong.

A bold knock on the door soon arose, making me gasp and stop moving. Alesso on the other hand proceeded to pull my underwear down.

"Bellisima? You okay in there?" Alesso's mother's voice was loud and clear.

Alesso smiled at me and raised his eyebrow, biting his lip as he unbuttoned his pants. "Answer her" he whispered.

"I uhh- yeah I'm okay. My stomach just hurts a bit" I softly giggled as I looked at the lustrous man in front of me, saying whatever came to my head.

"Okay. Well I have something you could take to relieve pain but I'd like to have a word with you. You think you'd be done in five minutes?" She asked.

Alesso pulled his dick from his pants and looked at me as he lined himself up with my entrance. I put my hands on his stomach, making him wait a second. I won't be able to control my noise level so he needs to wait until she goes away.

"Yes. Five minutes and I'll be out"

I hear her heels smack against the floor as she walks away, calling for Alesso.

Just as I wrap my hands around his neck he pushes himself inside me. "Oh fuck-"

He smashed his lips into mines and I can't help but think that this is so I will be quiet. He pulls his hands down to my ass and scoots me more towards him, me now barley sitting on the counter. His hips smack against the bottom of my legs as I can't help but to gasp. He feels so good inside me, the best I've ever had.

"Oh Diana. I can never get tired of this pussy" he groans as he pulls himself out. Him saying things like this is what got me pregnant in the first place.

He pushes back into me and it's more force, I can't help but pull back from his mouth. My head touches the mirror and he smirks.

"I think I'm going to cum" I moaned breathlessly.

He bit his lip and took ahold of my neck, gripping it firmly. "Cum on my dick. Such a good girl. When we get home, I'm going to fuck you again. Longer. We'll have sex for as long as you want"

"Mhum!" I moaned, feeling my orgasm rip through me. His grip on my waist tightened and I soon felt his warm cum shoot inside me.

"Fuck" he breathed, pulling out of me.

I breathed hard as he stood before me, pulling himself back into his pants. He smirked at me, making me blush. I could feel my cheeks turn red.

"How is it so good every time. Never fail to amaze me"

I smiled as I pulled myself from the counter, walking over to use the toilet.

"I should probably get out of here. We'll be leaving shortly so don't lose me"

I nodded as he pulled the door, soon going out. After fixing myself, I exited the bathroom. Catherine found me and pulled me all the way to the living room where no one was.

"Tell me" she said.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her with a weird look. "Tell you what?"

In a quick instance I was reminded of my pregnancy.

She tilted her head and smiled. "No wine please" she mocked me. She then reached her arm out to touch my stomach. "You're pregnant, I know it"

"Diana?" Alesso yelled my name.

I gave her a nervous smile and walked away, finding Alesso with his jacket in his hand. He chose to leave at the right time.

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