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As my feet come to contact with the last step, I can't help the nervousness that flows through my body. Although I look okay, I feel a bit anxious. What if he doesn't even like me and does something to me. What if I'm not enough, or if I'm too much. I'd hate to get into trouble with Alesso.

"Do I look okay?"

I say aloud as I am still looking at my feet. They look wonderful in these heels, and I am mentally praising myself for getting my toes done the day before I even knew I would meet the aggressive man.

"You look...stunning, baby girl".

I furrow my eyebrows at the unfamiliar voice and slowly bring my gaze up, seeing two men stand before me. My father is to the right of him, and he is standing there, a small flower in his hand.

His hair is nicely combed, and I just know that he didn't use any gel, not that he needed any. His face is beautifully sculpted, having narrow cheekbones and a nice chin. His eyes are light grey, and it all looks so well on him. He has a medium sized nose, and it's not too pointy. Going down I notice that he has on a chain. The chain is very small, and I'm sure he only wears it to say that he has one. His eyebrows are a bit bushy, but not too much to where it is out of control.

His suit is black, matching my dress and I mentally thank myself for choosing such a decent color. His gaze is sharp, as if lined with shards of glass around the edges. He looks at me as if I am desired, and he makes me feel so too.

I continue to look at him, not once breaking my gaze from the beautiful man. I could feel my eyes start to sparkle as he looked at me more deeply, this time with his eyes glowing. Charming, looking beautifully under the ceiling light. I refuse to break my gaze as I hold my hand out to him.



He grabs my hand and brings it to his mouth, giving me a tender kiss.

My father notices the tension and slowly steps away, going towards the stairs, soon yelling for us to have fun and enjoy one another.

His cheeks gradually grew red as I not once broke my gaze from him. It's too strong to do that. I'm sure he's not used to that, someone keeping eye contact with him. Like I said, he was very feared.

He suddenly blinks his eyes and holds up the small rose he had.

"For you"

I gently take it from him. "Why thank you". I brung it up to my nose and took a very small sniff. Flowers don't even smell good, I'm not sure why I just did that. "Beautiful" I said to myself.

Without saying anything, he holds his arm out to me. His arm is bent to a angle, and I slide my hand in, soon putting my arm inside. He gently brings it closer to him and guides me towards the front door. The sound of my heels, and his dress shoes clicking against the floor are the only thing heard. He soon opens my front door and leads me to his car where he pulls the door open to his black Bentley.

I sit myself inside and he closes the door, soon walking around to get himself in.

"Are you hot? Cold? Uncomfortable?" He asked. His tone was a bit aggressive, but the look in his eyes assured me that he was only being himself. I slowly shook my head and he started the car. Pressing the gas, he shot off of our property.

We arrived at the building about fifteen to twenty minutes later. Doing the unexpected, he opened the door for me again. Once I got out, he didn't hesitate to pull me closer to him.

"Do you mind if I grab you by your waist?"

The thought of him holding me close makes me feel a shock of warm ness around my body. His masculine behavior made me say the unexpected.


He pulled me even closer by my waist and guided me towards the building. The people at the door opened it for us and we walked inside. My ears were immediately filled with the noise of different conversations. My mind couldn't focus on just one, so I blocked them all out.

A man, dressed of the same sort of Alesso walked up to us.

"chi è questa bella signora che hai al tuo fianco stasera?"

(Who is this lovely lady you have by your side tonight?)

Alesso looks at me then looks back at the man. They spoke Italian, so I couldn't understand a single word.

"Il suo nome è Diana. È il mio giorno per stasera"

(Her name is Diana. She's my date for tonight)

The man looks at me and holds his hand out. "Fernando. Nice to meet you"

He takes my hand. "Diana" I smiled.

He nodded and gave Alesso a small smirk that I'm sure he was sure I didn't see before walking away.

Alesso grabs my hand and guides me to a table where no one is sitting. We both take our seats and look to the man who grabbed the mic. He is dressed in a black suit as well, and it makes me realize that this may have been the attire for tonight.

He clears his throat before speaking. I could feel Alesso get closer to me, but I ignored it.

"Good evening everybody. We have some of the finest people here tonight. For one, we have Alesso. He is the most powerful man I know-"

I look over to see that Alesso is visibly uncomfortable. I'm sure that everyone knows he's here, but he doesn't seem to want his cover blown. His name was said first.

I turn back around when I see Alesso bring his gaze up as I didn't want to be caught looking at him. I've gotten a good look at the handsome man, and he probably doesn't want me to look at him for any longer.

The man introduces a few more people. Stacy the wife of Fernand. Her small job helped with packaging things and transporting them. I'm not sure what she transported, but she was greatly appreciated. Fernand was said to be a one of the people under Alesso, but he didn't get too deep into his description. He didn't get too deep into any of their descriptions. It was almost as if they lived an illegal life.

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