Forty eight

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Alesso came from the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist. His gorgeous tattoos showed, looking like a scrap book. I adored so many parts of him. His wet hair was messy, and strings clung to his forehead as he licked his lips. The small towel he had in his hand was used to wipe his face.

I could feel my heart leap as he walked closer to the closet, throwing the towel in the dirty clothes hamper. His back was turned to me, showing his amazing back profile. The wetness dripped off his skin, looking like he had been oiled down, his skin glistening.

I sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him as he moved his head around, for sure wetting the walls. The moment he turned to me it was like a switch had been flipped. His eyes dropped down between my legs. I looked down to see that my legs were opened. Since I was only in a towel, he was able to see my folds that sat between my legs.

"Pussy still needy?" He smiled as he walked over to me. I always hated how cocky he was, but loved it in this sense. He was cocky about the way he pleased me, and he should be.

I slowly nodded my head as I lifted to see him, looking up at him as his height grew on me, him standing over my small frame.

"I hope you haven't been touching yourself. I'd hate to have to spank you" he raised his eyebrow, looking at me with doubt.


He slowly shook his head as he smiled again. "That's my good girl"

My legs subconsciously spread more, making him smile down at me. I breathed hard as I slowly pulled my towel from over my chest, letting it open to show my front.

He bit his lip as he sat next to me. He leaned over and softly bit my ear. "Tell me why your pussy is so needy for me, bambina. Tell Alesso all about how you get so wet when you want to be played with."

I closed my eyes as I felt his warm breath. "I need you, Alesso. My clit is so swollen, begging you to touch me there" I said softly.

"Mhum. And tell me, is this pussy mines? I cant touch another man's pussy. If it's all mine then I'll play with it"

He softly pecked my neck as he brung his hand around my body, touching my bare stomach. His fingertips gripped me, teasing me by barely touching me. I could feel myself growing more excited as he placed his open palm there, sticking his pinky where the waistband of my panties would be.

"It's yours, if you're all mine" I bit my lip.

He noticed my slight snarkiness and bit my neck, causing me to whimper in pain. He then licked the soft skin, making me shudder. "Then that means you're my property, huh?"

Before I could answer him, my phone started to vibrate. I slowly turned my head towards the nightstand, seeing that it was my father. I softly sighed and shook my head, wanting Alesso to continue.

"Answer it" he said. I looked over at him and shook my head, earning a cocked eyebrow. "Are you telling me no?" He asked.

"No- I mean I'm not telling you- just forget it" I said as I reached over. I slid my thumb across my phone and answered. "Hello"

"My brat. I called you earlier, why didn't you answer?" He asked.

My breathing hitched as I felt Alesso's hand tread lower.

Is he really going to do this while I'm on the phone with my father?

"I was cooking when you called. My hands were all messy and I couldn't answer." I said.

I fell weak when I felt his finger touch my clit. My body wanted to fall backwards, but he was there to catch me, making sure I wouldn't. My head rolled on his shoulder, falling on his chest as he circled his finger around.

"Oh, well I hear that you're going on a business trip. Have you packed your bags yet?"

I gasped as Alesso stuck a finger inside me, looking over at him. He bit his lip as he grazed over my g spot, making my eyes feel heavy.

"Business trip? I don't know what you're talking about"

"Honey, you sound a little tired, are you okay?" My father asked.

"I'm sorry I'm on the elliptical, bye" I hung the phone up and sat it on the bed, soon standing up and coming to straddle Alesso's legs. He immediately fell back from shock and looked up at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "I bet you aren't used to this view, huh?"

He tightly gripped my waist before flipping me over, aggressively putting me on my back. "Don't forget that you're a bottom, okay? You can't top me" he shook his head.

His chain dangled under my chin, making me smile at the sudden boldness I felt. I looked him in his grey eyes and shook my head. "I can do what I want. I'm only submissive to you because I want to be".

He scoffed and brung himself to stand up at the edge of the bed. "Someone is feeling naughty tonight. All fours, now".

I quickly got off my back and kneeled, positioning myself so that way he was on my side.

"No. Turn around. I don't want to see anything but your ass" he said.

I slowly turned myself around, preparing myself to be pounded into. Pat! I jumped from the unexpected feeling of his hand across my ass. Pat! I jumped again, nearly falling on my face.

"You've been a bad girl. Tell me that you like being my sub" he ordered. Pat!

"Okay, okay. I like being your sub" I said. My chest was weaving from the slight adrenaline, making me breathe harder.

"Mhum. Count. If you stop counting, I'll start over. Tell me that you want to take my spankings"

I stayed quiet, soon feeling another slap on my ass. Pat! This one was hard.

"I want to take your spankings" I breathed.

I could hear him chuckle a bit. Pat! "One". Pat! "Two" Pat! "Three. Pat! "Four". Pat! "Five". Pat! "Six". Pat! "Seven". Pat! "Eight"

I whimpered as I could feel my ass stinging. He repeatedly hit the same spot, resulting in more pain being inflicted.

I stayed on all fours before I could feel him grab my hair. He gave it a tug, making me come to my knees. He kept pulling, gently putting his other hand on the front of my neck and making me look up at him as he was behind me.

"Have you learned your lesson?" He asked.

I slowly parted my lips, fixing my mouth to speak. "Not to talk back?" I said softly.

He nodded and shrugged. "And not to defy me. Next time, I'll make sure your whole ass is red and not just one of your cheeks, okay?"

I nodded my head and he let my hair go. "Now you get no sex. Disobedience doesn't get you far, you'll learn that eventually".

I softly sighed as he walked away from me, going into the closet. I'll keep my mouth shut next time.

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