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I quickly grabbed Diana by her small waist, my hand fitting around as she was so thin there. I pulled her closer to me, hearing a small gasp as her heels clicked against the street. The moment I saw the window roll down, I pulled my gun from my side. She shrieked and put her hand around my arm, gripping it for safety.

It a quick instance, I pushed us behind a car, missing the first bullet by a few seconds. If I was any later, I could have been grazed, or worse. Diana yelped as she ducked, hearing the bullets hit the car. She nearly tripped over her own feet, catching herself on her hands as she crawled towards the back, seeming to want to go by another car.

I quickly pulled her as the noise got louder. I can tell by the way they are shooting that they are trained, and have intent on murdering someone tonight. If not me, they'll make an example out of her. Her knees scrubbed against the ground as I pulled her, hearing her soft whimpers from the pain.

I didn't hesitate to stand up and fire a few shots. The first bullet went through the front passenger side, the second through the middle of the car, and the third hitting the man who was shooting at me in the arm. He screamed in pain and dropped the gun. The car sped off, leaving a trail of smoke behind as they booked it.

I sighed as I sat back down, looking over at Diana who was shaking in fear. She's never been through anything like this, this must be so confusing for her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She went stiff out of shock, but I held onto her, walking near where the gun was dropped. I slid my suit jacket off and picked it up, being careful not to have any finger prints on it. I'm going to have my men analyze this gun so I can see who it belongs to, and I'm going after them.

I pulled Diana all the way towards the car, gently pushing her inside then getting in myself. I pulled my phone out.

"Stefan" I said through the phone.

"Assistente? c'è qualcosa che non va?"

(Don? Is there something wrong?)

I sighed as I looked over at Diana. She had her purse in her lap, trying to unlock it. I could hear her sniffling, but that was the least of my worries. I have new enemies.

"Alla taverna. qualcuno ha appena sparato a me e Diana. Nessuno è ferito. Hanno lasciato cadere la pistola, ho bisogno di un po' di lavoro. trova questi figli di puttana"

(At the tavern. Someone just shot at me and Diana. No one is hurt. They dropped the gun, I need some work done. Find these motherfuckers"

"su di esso ora don."

(On it now don)

I hung the phone up and pressed the gas, merging onto the highway. The sound from Diana's purse opening made me look over at her. She was pulling her phone out. Without hesitation, I snatched it away from her and threw it on my side of the car.

"What the fuck?" She looked at me with a irritated facial expression on her face. She held both of her hands up, making me shake my head. The fuck does she think she's doing? She's going to call someone?

"You're seriously trying to call someone? Hell no" I said sternly.

She unbuckled her seatbelt, making me look at her, soon putting my eyes back on the road. If she's going to jump out, then she can be my guest. I have other shit to worry about right now, not some woman's emotions. The buckle of her seatbelt hit the window as she pulled it off, soon climbing onto her knees.

Her hand hit the side of my face, making me swerve into another lane before getting the car back straight. Luckily no one was beside us because my car would be fucked.

"You stupid boy-"

"What the fuck are you doing?" I said as I took one of my hands from the wheel and pushed her hands away. Who the hell hits a don? Is she crazy?

"You fucking asshole" she hits me again. She strikes me right on my arm and it instantly pisses me off. I press the gas more as I swerve into a different lane, soon pulling over and putting the car in park with a quick stop. I unbuckle my seat belt and take her by the arms. Her small body lays down in the seat as I hover over her.

"Are you fucking crazy! Don't you ever put your hands on me-"

I stop talking once she pulls her hand up, getting out of my grip and grabs my hair. I can feel her nails pulling my hair from the roots as she has such a firm grip.


"Fuck you"

She yells as she pulls harder. I eventually let my grip around her other arm go and wrap my hands around her waist, pulling myself closer to her, trying to comply so she'll let it go. She doesn't let it go, she only holds on.

"Okay! Let it go now-"

"No. Fuck you!-"


My voice is calm, even though I'm breathing hard from the sudden rush of adrenaline. I've just gotten in a shoot out, now I'm on the road fighting with her. We were just good before all of this shit happened, now it's gone to shit.

"Just let my hair go. I'll drive you home, we can't stay on the side of the road like this"

She loosens her grip from my hair and pushes my head, putting her hand on the seat and pushing herself back up. The way her dress is rolled up makes it seem as if we've just pulled over to fuck, but that's actually the opposite. With both hands on the hem of her dress, she pulls it down and goes to grab her seat belt.

I clench my jaw as I look at her. If I were mad enough, which I feel I am, I would have someone rip her into pieces. She just disrespected the hell out of me and didn't care.

I breathe in deeply as I put the car back in drive and merge into the lane next to me. She is quiet the whole ride to her house, looking out of the window as she did when I first picked her up. I do at least eighty on the way to her house and get there way quicker than the way it took for us to get to the Tavern.

My tires shriek against the ground as I press the brakes hard, stopping in front of her house.

"Fuck you" she says as she opens the door.

"Yeah whatever"

She slams the door hard and I fight the urge to pull her to the side and get her right. She will know not to disrespect me. I am Alesso.

The moment she opens the front door, I press the gas again and quickly drive off of her property, heading to my house. I have business to take care of.

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