Twenty four

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Alesso drops the bag as I am still standing up from shock. He wraps his arms around my waist and places his face in my neck. "I'll never let you leave me ever again, amore. This is my fault this happened to you" he looked up at me.

I look up at him and he brings me into his arms, pulling my hair back as I looked at my bruised hands. My hands should never be this way and it pisses me off. If only he knew who my father was. Well he's dead now so I feel a bit better.

The ride to Alesso's house was a bit long, and quiet. Once we made it in, he made sure to let everyone know to be on guard. He says he doesn't want any fuckups and would hate to have to kill another person tonight.

Although I witnessed a murder, I feel okay. It was for the better, and I'm sure that the world is a safer place without an attempted rapist.

It's all too familiar to me when Alesso pulls the last bandaid from the first aid kit and placed it on my knee. We had just gotten from the shower and he helped me feel better. He gave me one of his big shirts as he only had on underwear.

"I wouldn't hesitate to kill another if it was to see this smile on your face" he gave me a nervous smile as he closed the first aid kit. He stuck it under his bed and sighed. "I shouldn't have let you go".

I nodded and he only looked at me with deep sorrow. He's right, he shouldn't have.

"And I didn't mean any of that shit I said. Diana, you don't know how many times I thought about you and how many times I wanted to come see you"

"Why didn't you" I asked.

He grabbed my face with his right hand as he sat beside me on the bed. I turned to my side a bit, looking him in his eyes. "Because I thought you wouldn't want to see me. I could leave you alone if I thought it's what you really wanted, but for my sake, I couldn't do it. I had my men watch you. They took their eyes off of you for five seconds and a disaster like this occurred" he pointed to my scared knees "I fired their asses too, but I had to have someone watch you, watching over your house to make sure you were protected. I couldn't even sleep without you next to me. It felt too weird"

I looked from his left eye to his right then back to his left again. "Really?"

He nodded and looked back at the bed, making me do the same. Only his side of the bed was used, and the other side was neatly fixed.

"I wanted to keep your smell in the sheets so I didn't touch it. I cuddled with your pillow a few times but don't tell anyone that"

I chuckled as I came closer to him, kissing his soft lips. I've missed the way he tasted.

It was like something in my heart exploded when my lips softly collided against his. I thought I would never have this feeling again. When I'm with him it's like I have no care in the world. I don't think about things that hurt me, things about my past, nothing.

He kissed me back before pulling back and just looking at me. I felt so vulnerable whenever he would do this. There was nowhere to hide, I was there. "Your lips are still soft" he said.

I chuckled as I looked away from him. "You're saying that like we've spent months or years apart".

"That's what it feels like" he shook his head and shrugged his shoulder. I sure hope he isn't lying about that.

The rest of the night went as followed. We laid there together in bed as he told me about all the shit that happened while I was gone. He says that they had found another one of Ivanov's men and captured them, leading to his death. He says the man from the club was the bosses brother. I told him about how my time was; boring. We eventually fell asleep, and I don't wake until the next morning.

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