Twenty one

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She goes back to chopping her onions as I pull myself back into my pants. Her ass is nearly red and it makes me smile. Although I've came in her before, I've just now claimed her. I left her with her hole filled and her ass sore. Such a good sub.


I scooped the onions into a bowl where I've mixed the peppers. I've decided to eat this with the shrimp and some nicely cooked rice will do. It only takes me about twenty minutes to cook before I am there with two full plates in front of me. As I go to call for Alesso, he's already coming down the stairs, I can tell by his loud foot steps. His house shoes smack against the floor, filling the quiet night with much noise.

"Could you try to keep it down?" I asked as I slid his plate over. I hand him a nicely filled glass of water next to his plate, something he likes to drink a lot. I think he's gotten it from me though.

"You're one to talk. 'Alesso. Fuck me. Yess'!" He mocks me.

I roll my eyes and he chuckles. He always gets so full of himself after we have sex. Although he deserves it, I try not to give him props.

"The eye rolling. It has to stop" he says. His voice is a bit stern but as I look at him I realize that he is talking normally with no expression on his face. He's told me this once before but it's a habit.

"Or what?" I tease as I fill my mouth with rice. He quickly looks up at me and starts to bring his hand up. His hand quickly comes down and he is acting as if he's hitting something across the ass. Oh wait, that's me.

"A good snack on the ass will make you straighten up, it did last time"

"Whatever" I shook my head "it hurt"

He nodded and filled his fork with some of everything on his plate. "That's the point". He stuck the fork into his mouth and started to chew, soon moaning from the taste.

"Great. My food can make you moan but I can't?" I joke.

He pushes his eyebrows together and looks at me, talking with a mouth full. "What, I always make noise".

"Not good ones. You always sound like you've just jumped down from a high point, grunting like you've been hurt"

He pretended to be fake hurt by putting his hand over his chest and chuckling. "So you're saying that I should moan more? Not groan, or grunt?"

I shrugged and filled my mouth with shrimp. "I mean it would feel good to know that I'm pleasuring you and not just the other way around. I'm always so vocal about my pleasure yet you barley give me anything. I need involuntary groans" I said.

He nodded as if he was taking a mental note in his head.


After dinner, Alesso helped me to clean the kitchen. The food was wonderful, and I could tell that he thought the same because his plate was cleaned. I was now behind the tall man as he gently held my hand, pulling me up the stairs. My stiffened legs couldn't move any faster, even though he was trying to force me.

Once we finally got to his room, he laid inside the bed and pulled the cover over him. I scrunched my face up as I looked at the man that looked like a child, hiding under the sheets.

"What was all that talk about fucking me again?" I asked.

I climbed onto the bed and joined him under the sheets, soon hearing him groan. "Too tired".

"You're always too tired for me. Maybe I should just go back home"

He quickly pulled the sheet from over his head and looked at me with stern. His gaze stuck me in the eyes, making me sigh.

"You see how long I work. How do you expect me to be full of energy when I come home? You want me to just lie there while you fuck me?"

I cocked my eyebrows and peeled my lips inwards. "That would be nice"

"Not happening. You are my sub, not the other way around. Don't you ever forget it" he said.

I tilted my head backwards. "Your sub? You're lucky that I submit to you. Men fall to my feet-"

"And women fall to mines, amore. We're both beautiful people, don't forget that". He sighed at the end of his sentence and relaxed his body, closing his eyes and seeming to have no care in the world.

He keeps telling me not to forget stuff and it slightly irritates me. He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips.

I roll my eyes and turn the other way, feeling as if it would be best to end the conversation right there. I would hate to go to sleep mad, but he needs a rude awakening. He thinks he can just have what he wants and he can't. And he calls me spoiled. He's an entitled man with too much under his fingers. He'll regret saying these things to me one day. I know he will.

I soon fell asleep, not waking until the next day. "Good morning" I said smiling before I opened my eyes. Alesso was always awake before me and I decided to beat him to the chase.

I turned around to look at him, soon frowning as his spot was empty. I ran my hand along the fixed part of the bed, feeling that it was cold. I knew that he hadn't laid there in hours and it irritated me. I hate feeling this way. I feel so alone in this huge house with no one to really talk to. Alesso had advised me to play it safe with my friends over the phone but I've been too nervous to talk to any of them.

I pulled myself out of bed and walked into his closet. I had started to run out of simple clothes so I pulled one of his shirts down. His white button down fit me like a small dress, but I didn't mind. I needed to get the fuck out of here.

I put my slippers onto my feet and grabbed my phone. I'm not sure who would take me home, but if I get my hands of one of his keys to his car I'll take my own self.

I walked down the stairs, passing by the many guards that outlined the hallways with guns in their hands. They looked rather serious and I decided to not say anything.

As I left the bottom stair, a stern males voice called out to me.

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