Forty three

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It's been about three weeks since I've last seen Alesso. I'm starting to feel a bit better about my feelings towards him. I'm less attached, but I do miss him. It gets lonely sleeping in bed with only pillows to cuddle with. I'm sure he's had many women to occupy his time, while I've been to myself.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail as I got ready for bed. I had already showered, wearing nothing but a robe over my naked body. I sat in my chair to my vanity, looking at my phone that started to buzz. Catherine called.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Hello my Bellissima, how have you been? It's been a month?" She asked.

I sighed. "Three weeks"

She chuckled before clearing her throat. "I'm having a gathering tomorrow at my place. The theme is the nineteenth century. I've already talked to your father last week, you should already have a dress. It would mean so much to me if you came"

I cut my eyes to the other side of the room, taking a bit to think about if I wanted to go. Going means that I will see Alesso, and I don't really want to see him.


"Yes. I'll come, what time?" I asked. I doubled back and put my hand to my face, regretting telling her that I'd come.

"Seven. Don't be late, I'll be expecting you"

I hung the phone up and put it on my desk, sighing. I'm sure that she knows I haven't spoken to her son, and I bet she's trying to get us back together. I nonetheless climbed into bed and laid down, sleeping until the morning.


I sighed as I pushed Benjamin's door open. I could barley even fit through the door, having such a big dress on.

My dress was of a very light yellow color, almost being white, but not quite. It had the perfect silhouette of my upper half, being tightly fitted. It pinched me at my waistline, and my big skirt flowed down in the back. There was a big hump where my ass was, giving the illusion that it was bigger than it was.

I had been advised to wear under garments, something that will make me feel of that time. My small, white, tightly fitted undergarments made me feel as if I was trying to hold everything together.

"I need help, button my buttons please" I said in a weird accent. I walked into the room, earning a chuckle from Benjamin.

He moved his laptop from his lap and stood up, leaving me to turn my back towards him. He pulled my strings and tied them tightly, soon buttoning the back of my dress. I could barley breathe. All of this for Catherine.

"Looks like someone is going to have fun tonight. Special occasion?" He chuckled.

I turned around to him and rolled my eyes. "Some crazy party Catherine is throwing. This dress is really tight, she should have chosen another theme" I said as I moved my body around, hearing a small crack that made me halt and giggle.

"Don't break anything" he laughed.


The door swung open. I was faced with a very beautiful Catherine. Her dress was very similar to mines, except it was red. I'm learning that she has a thing for the color. "Oh my nuora, nice to see you again. You look...stunning" she smiled, pulling my hands and making me come near her for a kiss.

"Thank you, so do you. I feel a bit tight though" I chuckled.

She smiled as I walked in, soon closing the door. "Me too. You'll get over it in a hour" she nodded.

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