Forty six

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I opened my eyes as I felt Diana's presence gone. I'm not sure how long she's been gone. I made sure to brush my teeth before going down the stairs to check.

She stood there, holding a mug in her hand. I smiled as she turned around to me with a smile on her face. "Good morning"

I walked closer to her, seeing her put her head down. She's vulnerable, just like she was last night when she was expressing herself.

"I love you too, Alesso" she said. She then chuckled. "You know, you're making me start to hate your father".


When I looked back up at Alesso he had clenched his jaw, a state of worry on his face. I had heard his heartfelt message to me when he thought I was sleeping. I just so happened to wake up, hearing him say so much to me.

Although it doesn't excuse what he did, I have a lighter heart about it.

I put my open palm on his face, holding my coffee in my other hand. "Pancakes for breakfast" I said softly.

He moved his eyes to the large plate of pancakes and looked back at me. I could sense the uneasy ness so I just moved away, turning around and looking back at the magazine I had grabbed from the coffee table in the living room.

He eventually moved over and sat down in front of the plate. I could hear the syrup cap pop open. "So, you're going to do this every morning or should I not get used to this?" He chuckled.

I turned around to him and sipped my coffee. "Expect it, well sometimes. I might not be reliable some mornings" I shook my head.

He nodded with a smile on his face and stuck his fork into his mouth. He rolled his eyes at the taste and put his head down, soon eating another piece. "I've never had better pancakes"

I smiled as I watched him. "Made with love".

After finishing up with a bit of cleaning in the kitchen, I found myself inside of Alesso's room. I stood in front of him, fixing his tie as he fixed the sleeve of his button down.

"Be sure to make smart decisions, and be nice. You always make people uneasy when you clench your jaw" I shook my head.

I pulled his tie and tightened it around his neck, soon touching his chest and looking up at him. "I have to let people know not to fuck with me. Can't have people running over me"


"No one will run over you. Your name is known, enough so that people know that you mean business. When you come back, I want to hear all about what happened" she said as she pulled my shirt down, helping to make it look neat.

"And what will you do while I'm gone?"

"Wash these sheets. Every week, Alesso" she shook her head. She then stood in her tippy toes, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Now go before you're late"


I'm meeting with some new people to talk business. My mafia is expanding by the day, and I have new comers. A up and rising mafia is becoming the talk of the town. That's only because they are getting bigger and bigger each day, but still much smaller than my mafia. I am the biggest don of the country, there's no way they can top that.

I looked around the warehouse that I was in. It was a bit dim, which automatically put me on guard. Nothing was here but a small table where liquor and cigars were present. I had already had a few sips of liquor, couldn't resist.

My men were by the exit, and some standing by me, which made me feel a bit better about what's going on. After all, it's only me and the mob boss. He has men too, but not as many as I do.

His name is Ivan. That's funny because it reminds me of the Russian mob boss I killed who's name was Ivanov, well his last name. Ivan lit a cigar and took a big puff from it before looking over at me. "So, we should do business together".

"That's clearly why I'm here, you already stated that over the phone"

He raised a eyebrow as if I was supposed to take back my words. I don't know why he thinks I will be cordial with him. He's in my country, in my city. Everyone knows of Alesso's Mafia and now they're talking about his. Nothing will get in the way of me being the greatest.

"You seem a bit hostile, do we have a problem?" He asked.

I put my legs in front of me and slouched down in the chair, folding my arms. "We came here to talk about business, not my attitude. I hear you want to become an alliance? What for?"

He nodded and blew his smoke out. "I'm new in town. I've been in the mafia business for a while, but I've seemed to expand since I've been here. I hear that this is your city?" He shrugged.

"Yeah. It is my city" I nodded.

"Well it wouldn't make sense for me to come here without working something out with you first, yeah? I've seemed to have a bit of a problem. The Slovakians have been on my back about some money I owe em. I'm a man of wealth, but I don't want to pay. I need you to take them out"

I cocked my eyebrow and scoffed. "What do I look like a fucking crash dummy? I'm not taking up any new enemies when the shit has nothing to do with me"

I took another sip of my liquor, actually downing the whole bit. I grabbed the bottle to pour me some more.

"I'll pay you" he said.

I looked up from the glass with a sharp eye. "Why the hell won't you just pay them? Once this job is done it's not just done. I'll have enemies, and the shit doesn't have anything to do with me"

"Pride. If I pay them then that means they've won. I'm not going out like a sucker. Paying them will make me seem like a bitch, I need them dead, well the boss" he shrugged.

I scoffed again and drunk the scotch I had in the glass. "And why can't you be the one to kill them?" I asked.

He sighed. "Because I know that they have alliances. If I kill them, they'll come for me. Since you're Alesso, no one will come for you. If anything they'll side with you"

I shook my head as I scoffed again. This motherfucker thinks I will risk my life and others just for him? I don't even know him.

When I sat my glass back on the table, two of his men dropped three duffle bags on the side of me. I looked down at the bags and looked back up at them. "Do I look like a fucking dog to you?" I asked.

They looked at Ivan, making me do the same. He gestured towards them, and with a huff, they picked the bags up and sat them in front of me and on the table.

"Three million. Each bag has a million inside. Take it now and do the job, or refuse and don't do it, it's up to you" he said.

"I know" I said aggressively as I unzipped the bags. He was right. I lifted the bags up, seeing how heavy they were. I was sure that a million was in each bag. I've dealt with millions at once and am trained to know. "I'll think about it" I said as I grabbed the bags.

I stood up and his men stepped to me. My men were already on edge so they held their guns out, pointed towards the men in front of me. "Do we have a fucking problem?" I clenched my jaw.

"Stand down" Ivan said.

The men backed up a bit, but were still pretty close. I gave my men the nod and they put their guns down, but knew to keep them cocked. I wouldn't mind blowing these fuckers head off right now.

"I see you're taking the money-"

"I am" I nodded. He thought he was going to put it here and I not take it? He must not know me. I get my pay whether I do the job or not. "I'm not a crash dummy. I send orders, not take them. If I feel like killing them I'll happily carry out your plan, but as of right now I plan to go live my life like I've been living it. Next time you go to a new city, do some research on the alpha. I take whatever I want"

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