Thirty nine

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"You want to tell me why the fuck you're so upset? You won't even look at me" Alesso said as he opened the door to his house.

I shrugged and walked past him. My heels made a loud sound as I heavily walked, still being very much upset. Another woman, in this house, in the bed I've slept in? He wants to die.

"And now you're ignoring me? Bambina what has you so upset at me?" He walked after me as I headed towards the stairs.

I quickly turned around, making him stop to look at me. "You're a fucking cheater! That's what has me upset. I could fucking shank you right now."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

I squinted my eyes and turned back around, walking up the stairs. He followed after me, soon entering the guest room. I pulled the sheets back and he stopped, looking at the underwear that laid there.

"Bambina, I can explain" he breathed.

"Oh god I sure was hoping for that" I said sarcastically as I turned to look at him. "Really? In this bed? I've slept here. This is the room where all of my shit is. My hair shit, my feminine products, I come here to have my alone time!" I said. I pushed his chest, watching his muscles flex as he stood there, not being the slightest of fazed by me.

"I didn't do anything, I swear it" he said, coming closer to me.

I shook my head and walked towards the dresser, planting my hands on the edge and looking down. I could hear him sigh, making me look at him through the mirror.

"You didn't do anything? Her panties were off. She forgot them. I'm sure she was in the same state of mind I'm in after we fuck" I said.

"I didn't fuck her-"

"So did she suck your dick? You're not supposed to let anyone touch you that way! That's cheating-"

"She didn't do anything to me. I couldn't fuck her-"

"What the hell does that mean?" I cut him off pugnaciously, turning around to look at him.

"I couldn't get hard" he came closer to me, towering over my small frame like always.

I held my head back and squinted. Does he think I'm stupid. Couldn't get hard? Yeah fuck off.

"It was when you couldn't move around much-"

I stepped closer to him, making him take a few steps back. "You did this while I was recovering! How fucking self centered are you to do such a thing? You mean to tell me that you couldn't wait? You weren't the only one suffering! I was going through so much at the time and my mind still isn't completely right. How could you-"

"I needed someone. I needed a stress reliever and you weren't able to do it. All I was going to have her do was suck my dick, I wasn't going to fuck her" he shook his head and held his hands up.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Like that makes any difference. You still let her think that in the slightest she could have you. You don't do shit like that when you're in a relationship."

"I know. I know, bambina, and I will never do it again-"

"Yeah. You will never hurt me this way because I'm done with you. I am too much of a woman to let you cheat on me. It doesn't matter if you didn't fuck her, you attempted for it to happen. How could you even let someone else touch your dick while you lay next to me every night." I shook my head as I lifted my foot to take my heels off.

"Diana you don't mean any of this. That woman meant nothing to me. She was just a whore. She was nothing but a warm mouth to me." He softly countered.

"Well what am I? Where does that leave me?" I asked.

He came closer to me and put his hands on my arms. "You're so much more to me-"

"Get your hands off of me. You don't get to touch me. You don't even get to look at me. I'm sleeping here until the morning. I'll have my father come pick me up and I'll get all my stuff" I said.

I sat my heels down by the dresser and he sighed angrily.

"Diana I don't think that you're understanding that she was nothing to me-"

"I'll be out before you wake. Make sure that the guards know my father will be coming early. I'd hate for them to give him a hard time" I said.

I left the current room I was in and went into another room. I didn't even want to sleep there after knowing that this is where Alesso brought his whore. I can just imagine her between his legs. There's no way he didn't get hard for her.

I slipped out of my dress and got under the covers after locking the door. I know that Alesso would find his way in either way but why not make it harder for him.

The next morning came around. I woke up to my phone alarm going off. When I moved to turn it off, I felt Alesso's arm wrapped around me.

I mentally groaned for not noticing that he had come into bed with me. After gently prying his hands off my body, I stood up.

"Don't go Diana"

I turned around to see him awake and sitting up, rubbing his eyes. He looked like he hadn't had sleep but that was the least of my worries.

"Oh I'm going." I said.

I put on some pants and a long sleeve before putting my slippers on. Alesso had tried to talk me out of it the whole time but I didn't care. I sat on the bed and dialed my father as Alesso stood there, towering over me.

"I'm ready. Could you be here in ten?"

"Yes my brat. I'm pulling out of our gate" my father said.

I hung the phone up and looked at Alesso with my face scrunched. "Can you stop breathing on me? Your breath is stinky" I said as I scratched my head.

"No because you're trying to leave. I didn't cheat-"

"You sort of did-"

"No I didn't, Diana. Come on. I won't be able to sleep knowing that you're not here with me-"

"Good" I said, my voice raising a bit. He needed to go through some type of pain for doing such a thing to me. During my recovery? How stupid of him.

He had pleaded with me the whole way until my father got there. I didn't grab much of my stuff because I didn't want my father in my business. I didn't want to ruin their relationship so I just kept quiet. I know that they are working together on something, but I'm not sure what exactly that is. I'd hate to get in the way of his money.

I thought about Alesso the whole ride home, wanting to cry every time I remembered the way he would touch me. It pains me to think that he's touched another woman that way. It's worse to know that he did it at such a time where I needed him. I went through hell during recovery, feeling pain every time I would move. I thought that he was by my side the whole time but I'm guessing I thought wrong. Maybe there was a reason for me losing the baby.

I went straight into my room once we got home, locking my door and turning into a complete sob. My chest ached the whole time. I felt as if my world was coming to a halt. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, not even eating.

Ben tried to come inside but I wouldn't let him. I wouldn't dare let him see me being a complete disaster. I had no desire to do anything. I got up to use the bathroom a few times but that's all. It had started to rain, which put me right to sleep. It was soothing in a way.

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