Thirty five

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It's been about three weeks since I've been released from the hospital. I recovered fast and am feeling like I've always felt. My bullet wound is a bit small and not very noticeable since it only went through my skin a little. It looks like a small scar, and I'm fine with that.

Alesso had been treating me like a little girl ever since then, and it has its perks. I don't have to do things I don't want to do and I get to relax all day, not that it's any different than what I'm used to.

The bleeding from my miscarriage had started to disappear and my doctor finally gave me the okay for sex. It's been so long that I feel I will cum every time he smacks my ass around the house. I have to get some dick. Alesso knows nothing about what the doctor told me so he hasn't tried, but I won't hesitate to make the first move.

I laid there in my bed at my fathers house. Since the incident, he moved into a larger house, which I didn't want to. There are so many memories in that old house. I was sad to leave, but said that it wasn't safe.

Alesso had some people come to my Fathers house and move our stuff. My father actually let him decorate and it looks nice, similar to his own house.

He's had an advance on security, which is the only reason Alesso lets me come. He's been forcing me in the house, trying to keep me safe.

My slippers clacked against the tile as I walked into the kitchen, wanting a late night snack. I had eaten earlier, but I'm hungry again.

I pulled the pantry open and grabbed a bag of chips. I immediately popped it open and sat it on the counter, sticking my hand inside while scrolling on my phone with my other hand.

I felt a firm hand on my ass, making me jump. I yelped in surprise, making him chuckle. I turned around to see Alesso. He had on casual clothes. I loved when he wore things like this. The wife beater he had on went well with his grey sweat pants, and his chain was over his shirt.

"You scared the living shit out of me" I mumbled as I turned around. He stepped closer to me, putting his hand on my waist.

These small touches of affection made my heart leap.

"Missed me, amore?" He smiled, showing his white teeth. His small dimple was apparent, making me internally gush.

"No" I faked mad.

"What? You didn't miss me all day? Eight hours?" He said, letting me know how much time we spent apart.

"No, because you didn't answer the phone. I called you, I was bored" I said, turning around and grabbing another chip to eat.

He sighed.

"I had a meeting". He pressed his body against mines and grazed his hand over my stomach, pulling my tightly fitted shirt up a bit.

"How did it go?" I asked.

He smacked my ass again, making me turn around to him and squint my eyes. He chuckled and shrugged.

"It was fine" he gave me a boring answer. I wanted him to tell me about what it was about, and what he thought.

I peeled my lips to the side and stuck my pointer finger under the loop of his chain, pulling him closer to me.

He easily complied and came forwards, putting his large hands on my waist. "I think I should have a kiss to make up for you not answering". He smirked as he came closer to me, placing his lips against mines. I immediately opened my mouth to him, feeling him smirk into the kiss.

"You do know that kissing me this way makes it hard for me to control myself, right?" He said.

I chuckled as I pulled back, playfully pushing him. "Well it's a good thing I can have sex, right?" I smirked.

He quickly grabbed my waist and placed me on top of the counter, making me squeal. I could see his muscles flex and it only turned me on. I missed seeing his naked body on top of mines, fucking me until I cum.

"Wait, Alesso. I can't do this in my fathers house. What if he comes down here" I shook my head.

Alesso looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows, making me frown. "You think I give a fuck?"

He came closer to me and pulled my pajama shorts off of my legs, throwing them on the cold floor. I sighed, helping him get myself out of my panties.

"Hell see me bottomless-"

"I need you to shut the fuck up, seriously." He said as he pulled himself out of his underwear.

I frowned as I watched him come a bit closer to me, running his fingers along my aching pussy. I was sure enough to be wet.

"He will see us-"

"I can't fucking concentrate when you're running your fucking mouth. Just shut up for thirty seconds"

I nodded as he pulled his hand up to grab my neck, holding it firmly. I gasped as he smashed his lips into mines, roughly biting them at first.

"Ow" I whimpered as he didn't even hold back. He was nipping at my lips and I'm sure I would be bruised. He forcefully stuck his tongue into my mouth, pushing mines aside and kissing me with much force.

He let my neck go and wrapped his hand around, grabbing the nape of my neck and ramming inside me.

"Oh my god" I whimpered as I put my hands beside me. My right hand smashed into a glass that was on the counter, hitting a bottle of scotch that I'm sure my father was drinking. The loud clinging made me wince, but Alesso didn't care.

He pulled out of me and rammed back inside me. "Oh fuck. I missed this pussy so much. I'm going to fuck the shit out of you when we get home, okay?" He whispered.

I moaned as I lifted my hands. I wrapped my right hand around his neck and my left hand around his back. He started to thrust inside me faster, making me gasp with each breath.

"Hm? Did you hear me ask you? Your pussy is going to be so sore after I'm done with you. Your tight little cunt will remember me. You'll be screaming my name" he groaned.

He was out of breath as he brung his hand back to the front of my neck, making me look at him. His gaze was so lustrous that it could start a fire, burning into my eyes.

"Mhum" I moaned. I started to clench my pussy around him as I could feel my orgasm coming. "Oh Alesso I'm going to cum" I whispered. It has been so long that I knew I was going to cum quickly.

He continued to slam into me, making me gasp louder than I was before. I was hoping that no one heard me but I couldn't control myself.

"Oh fuck. Yeah I'm cumming, amore" he groaned as he held me tighter. I was a bit skeptical about him cumming inside me but was too under his spell to actually say anything.

"Me too" I whispered as I started to scratch his back, soon biting his shoulder. The feeling was too intense and very needed.

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