Twenty six

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Meeting Alesso's parents went better than I expected. His mother was really sweet and made sure to fill me in on the family tree. By the time we were done, I knew who his great great grandpa was.

I was now exiting the shower with a towel wrapped around myself. Alesso laid on the bed, holding a journal in his hand. He didn't even look up at me, continuing to write with his black ink pen.

"Am I not interesting enough?" I teased as I stood in the doorway, posing as if I were a model.

He looked up from his book and chuckled. "Far more interesting, darling, I'm just finishing up. I like to write in this thing every now and again, it's been more frequent now since I have time"

I playfully rolled my eyes as I stood there, looking over at the man with his back to the headboard and one of his knees propped up. "I want you to tell me that I look sexy".

"You look sexy, amore" he said.

He didn't even look up at me, making me frown. Does he not think I'm sexy? I dropped my towel and started to walk closer to the bed. The moment he heard the towel smack against the floor he looked up at me. He smirked and closed his book, making me squint my eyes.

"I'm sexy now huh?" I asked.

He sat up and gestured for me to crawl on top of him. "You've always been sexy, always"

I nodded and crawled onto the bed, pulling the cover over my shoulder as I faced the other way.

"So you're avoiding me? I wanted you to sit on my lap" he said as he slid down the bed, mirroring my body and coming close to me.

"And I wanted you to be interested in me. It would have been nice to have you take my towel off, but you didn't." I closed my eyes.

He sighed before placing his soft lips on my bare shoulder. "That's because I was writing. You could go put your towel back on so I could take it off"

I chuckled as I pulled the cover back up to my neck, completely covering myself. "I'm fine. I'm sleepy now" I said.

Alesso sighed as he move away, laying on his side of the bed.


My not so dream was suddenly interrupted by me waking up. I softly breathed as I could feel Alesso near. My eyes could barley open, feeling like something was inside my eye lid, but I knew that it was from me just now waking.

"It's too early for that, why are you calling me now?" Alesso groaned as he shifted in bed. I could feel the covers move a bit, then his warm hand on the bottom of my stomach. I turned my head to look at him as he laid there with his hair all messy, looking over at me.

I smiled as I sighed. I liked to wake up to him laying next to me.

"Okay so just call someone. Why do you always have to call me? I have certain people that handle those things"

He seductively stuck his tongue out at me, making me bite my lip. His lightly pink colored tongue stuck out and started to lick the air as he looked at me, making me move my legs a bit. I couldn't help that my pussy started to throb.

"Well I'm not getting out of bed any time soon so you'll have to call someone else"

Alesso's hand and went lower, making my stomach tighten. Since I was completely naked, there was no barrier holding me from the feeling of his warm hand against my skin.

"Okay well wait a few hours" he said. He pulled the phone from his ear and hung it up, soon throwing it on the bed. He quickly got up and climbed on top of me, making me smile up at him. Morning sex

"I was waiting for you to finally get up" he cocked his eyebrow and smirked. Before I could say anything he started to go lower, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh" I whispered to myself.

From the moment I saw the dominance in Alesso I wondered if he'd go down on me. We've had sex than once and I've even gone down on him. As time started to pass, I just thought that maybe he would never do it.

He spread my legs and laid himself in front of me, placing his tongue on the very center of my clit. I gasped as I felt him touch my most sensitive spot.

"Yeah just like that" I breathed.

He groaned, sending small vibrations through my body as if I wasn't already turned on enough. Everything Alesso did to me made me explode so having him please me sexually was a plus.

He reached his hands up my body and grabbed my tits, squeezing them gently as I heavily breathed in.

"Oh yeah just like that, Alesso. I'm going to cum" I moaned as I could feel something bubbling in my stomach.

I suddenly lose my status because I start to think about how he was able to make me feel like I was going to orgasm so fast. I've never felt that way with anyone else.

I soon gasp as I can feel it again. It hits me hard and I start to shake. "Alesso!" I moan. My orgasm rips through me and I am soon brought to the sight of his wet lips as he looks up at me.

"I should go handle something. I'll be back by lunch time" he said.

I rolled my eyes and swung my leg around his head, soon getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

"What? My people need my help so I have to go see what's happening" he says.

"You were trying to butter me up with the 'morning head'. You never go down on me". I walk into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush.

As I start to brush my teeth I can hear Alesso coming towards me. "You've only sucked my dick once, so we're tied" he says.

I can't even argue with what he said so I am quiet.

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