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Today is exactly a week since Alesso invited me to the dinner with many of his associates. Since then he hadn't called me, until tonight. He asked me on a date, which I was expecting him to do a lot sooner. He was very calm about it, and of course I agreed. He said that he planned to take me to a very expensive restaurant, which I was used to. My father treated me like a princess, so those are the only standards I accept.

Alesso was downstairs waiting for me. It had taken me longer than I expected for me to get ready, so I had him wait for me. He didn't seem to mind, and easily complied. I slipped my foot into my three inch heels and stood up, bringing myself over to my mirror.

The beautiful lady that stood before me was very recognizable. Alesso had said that our attire was white, so I made sure to dress the part. My dress stopped before my knees and was tightly fitted. It made my waist go in even more, and my ass look hot. I made sure to wear a expensive anklet around my ankle, soon exiting my room.

I walked down the stairs, seeing Alesso walk near the stairs as he saw me come down. He looked nicely dressed in his suit, making my insides clench. He's so hot.

He gently took me by the hand with a smile on his face.

"Ready? We can order wine, and you can eat as much as you want"

I nodded and smiled as I held onto him. His hands were way larger than mines, and mine fit inside his like a toddler would mines.

The walk out to his car was very short as he had parked directly in front of the door. He was driving a Mercedes Benz. This car was far more better than his last, but I wouldn't say. I had a Benz myself, but mines was the complete opposite of his. My was white, and his was black.

I sat inside after he opened the car door and watched him as he walked around to get inside.

"You're legal to drink right? I'm hoping I'm not taking someone really young on a date"

I chuckled as he started the car, soon gripping the wheel with one of his hands.

"Yeah, I'm twenty two, are you legal to drink?"


The ride to the restaurant was a bit long, being half a hour. About ten minutes into the ride, he apologized for the long distance but said that he wanted to take me to one of the best. I sat there the whole time, looking at the stuff we passed by. My city was so beautiful at night.

Arriving at the nice restaurant, Alesso made sure to park nicely in the parking lot and open the door for me. Such a gentleman.

He closed the car door after me and took me by the hand. The rings on his fingers felt cold against mines, but it wasn't too much for me to handle.

"Reservation for Curaso" he said to the waitress.

She tapped at her computer before smiling.

"Follow me"

She moved from around the booth and directed us to the table. As if we wanted to be the center of attention, she gave us a table right in the middle. I softly sighed as Alesso pulled my chair from underneath me, pushing it back in once I sat down. He walked around the table and took a seat.

I watched him as he powered his phone off. Respectful.


"Do you like this place? I've only been here once before".

I looked over at Diana and she smiled, nodding her head. She was beautiful with her long hair going down past her shoulders. When she turned to the side, a dimple appeared. I don't know what I was looking at before, but I didn't notice it.

"It's lovely. I like the music"

I listened out for the very soft jazz music playing from the speakers. She was right, it was lovely. I could hear the soft saxophone inside, hiding between the double bass and clarinet. I took a small sigh, watching her as she traced her eyes over the menu.

"I'm kind of not hungry, but I could eat some cake and ice cream"

I shook my head at her. Why would I bring her on a date just for her to not eat anything?

"Sure you are. You could get the steak, or grilled chicken if that's what you like. You have to eat something".

She swallowed before softly shrugging her shoulder. "Maybe I could have some shrimp"

I instantly smile. She brings her gaze over to me and she is looking me directly in my eyes. Her soft brown eyes light up and she softly snickers.


I shake my head and continue looking at her. "What? I can't look at you?".


She teased me by shaking her head. I tilted my head to the side and looked down at my menu. I'm staring at her too much. I don't want her to think I like her.

The waitress comes by shortly and we both order. She made sure to ask the waitress if she could have something small, making it seem as if I wouldn't be able to pay for it. I told the waitress to give it to her normal sized and let her know that she'll take the left overs home with her.

"What do you do on days where you don't work?" I asked.

She put her elbow on the table and put her head in her hand. "I do nothing. My father lets me live freely and gives me enough money for me to splurge on whatever I want. He did my mother the same way, and feels as if it is the only way for a woman to be treated".

She sounds so spoiled, like a spoiled brat. She holds her head up high and confidently as she talks, and I can already tell a bit about her. She's been spoiled all her life. She's been protected all her life. She's never gone through any pain, her father wouldn't allow it.

I've known Gabriel for a while, and I know that he's a strict man. He, like me, demands respect, but he makes an exception for her. As she tells me more about herself, I see that she talks to her father like he is a boy. He lets her get away with it too, she's his little girl.

"What do you do?" She finished up.

"I like to relax"

I tell her what I like to do without actually going deep into it. I actually like to get head from women, practice shooting, or go drinking. She doesn't need to know any of this stuff though, not yet.


As our time together slowly comes to an end, I feel as if I didn't have enough time with her. I paid the tab, which was seven hundred dollars, and I walked with her towards exit. Our date lasted for a total of four hours, being later than we both expected. It felt so good to just be with her and laugh, feeling like I had no care in the world. She had the straightest teeth I had ever seen, and they would show as she opened her mouth to giggle at me.

"We should do this again. I had so much fun"

She smiled up at me as she waited for my response. Of course we should do this again.

As I was opening my mouth to reply to her statement, I turned my head very quickly, hearing the tires of a car rub against the street. I could hear the loud engine of the car as it sped up, coming right for us.

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