Thirty seven

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Alesso holds me tighter as I lay on his chest. We are both still naked and breathing hard from the amazing sex we just had. His hand glides over my face and he pulls my chin up.

"That wasn't too much for you was it?"

I smiled as I sighed and held him tighter. "Alesso you always ask me that". He chuckled before kissing the top of my head.

"Because I want to make sure. If I'm ever too rough or you feel uncomfortable you have to let me know"

I nodded as I felt this was all too familiar. We had these talks during after care every time we had sex. It was repetitive, but sweet of him.

Waking up the next morning I felt so great, but a bit sore. I rolled over in bed, not seeing Alesso. He probably had to work early this morning.

I slipped my naked body out of bed and brushed my teeth before walking into the closet. I slid on one of Alesso's white button downs before putting my slippers on and going downstairs. A good cup of coffee would be great since it's starting to get cold outside.

I walked past the many guards, giving them a small smile and entering the kitchen to see Alesso. He was shirtless and had on pajama shorts. His muscles flexed as he stood there scrabbling eggs, making me smile.

I slowly walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tensed up before relaxing onto my front side, turning his head a bit to see me. I kissed his shoulder before smiling up at the man I adored so much.

"Don't sneak up on me like that" he said through his clenched jaw.

"I'm sorry" I muttered as he reached over to turn the stove off.

He turned around to me and pulled me closer before wrapping his arms around me, pecking my lips with his. "I thought I would get the joy of bringing you breakfast in bed but I guess not"

I pouted as I looked up at him, wishing I knew what his plan was. I would love to have been brought breakfast in bed.

"It's okay though because I get to do this" he reached his hand around and smacked my ass, making me jump. The stinging made me pout as he chuckled.



I look out across the yard as I am sitting on the balcony of my room. I had taken my shirt off due to Diana flicking food on me during our playful encounter from earlier. I slouched in the chair, holding a cigarette in one hand. It was freshly lit, I haven't even pulled from it yet.

I picked my phone up that started to ring and held it to my ear. "figlio"


My mother's thick accent was heard through the phone. I could hear the very faint sound of pans clacking together. She must be cooking something.

"si, mamma" I said as I held my cigarette up to my mouth. I sucked the smoke in and blew it out as I waited for her so answer me.

"quando hai intenzione di tornare su hea? sono passate settimane, tua madre sta invecchiando"

(When are you going to come back over hea? Your mother is getting old)

I chuckled at her, soon picking up my lighter again. I held my cigarette in my mouth. "Soon, mommy. Business has not been easy to handle, and I have Diana with me. I don't like to leave her here alone, she gets bored". I lit the cigarette again and pulled from it.

"aww povera bellezza. dovrebbe imparare che come partner non sarà facile. non riesco a pensare all'ultima volta che io e tuo padre abbiamo passato del tempo insieme, a parte il sesso. è sempre in movimento. due pompe e deve lavorare. ogni mattina è la stessa cosa sesso, poi andato-"

(aww poor beauty. she should learn that as your partner it won't be easy. i cant think of the last time your father and i spent time with each other, other than sex. hes always on the go. two pumps and he has to work. every morning its the same thing. sex, then gone-)

"Okay, mommy, that's a lot of information. I don't want to hear about you and father, but she isn't used to it. I think I'll buy her a dog or something to keep her occupied"

I soon sighed and looked behind me at the door, hoping that Diana wasn't near. I'd hate to ruin the surprise.

"beh, avrà qualcosa da fare tra nove mesi. i bambini sono duri e-"

(Well she'll have something to do in nine months. Babies are hard and-)

"No, no. There is no baby, mommy. You have to stop assuming these things. non è incinta"

(She isn't pregnant)

"Oh. beh, dovrebbe esserlo. le belle persone faranno dei bei nipoti. inizia a provare a lasciarlo dentro di lei" she said.

(Oh. Well she should be. Beautiful people will make beautiful grandchildren. Start trying to leave it inside her)

I shook my head and sighed. My mother has been wanting me to have a kid since I can remember. She says that I'm getting old and need to have kids but I'm only twenty six. That's not old in my book. I'm not rushing to have kids, but if I do, I'll be more than happy. That's a part of the reason I wasn't so worked up about having a child with Diana. I'm sure she would make a great mother. She isn't money hungry like the previous and has a good head on her shoulders. I'd kill two birds with one stone. I'd have a deeper connection with her, and my mother would be off of my back.

"Okay. Bye, mommy" I hung the phone up and took another pull from my cigarette, soon chuckling. That woman is crazy.

I stood up, feeling my muscles flex as I used my arms to hold the arms of the chair to help me. I walked into my room, closing the door behind me. My cigarette smoke would fill the air but I don't care.

I walked into the bathroom, seeing Diana in the bathtub. Her hair was pulled into a very high ponytail and wrapped into a bun, which I'm assuming it was to keep her hair from getting wet. The bubbles she had in the tub covered most of the surface of the water, and came high up to her breast.

She sighed and slowly opened her eyes, soon jumping when she saw me. "Jesus Alesso you scared me" she took a deep breath and slouched deeper into the tub. The water was now coming to her neck.

"I didn't mean to startle you, bellissima" I said. I walked more into the bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub, watching her as she breathed. She looked so peaceful and relaxed. I loved to see her like this.

"It's okay, just say something next time or make sure I can hear you"

I nodded and took a pull from my cigarette. I sucked the air in, and raised my eyebrow, lifting my hand to talk. "So uhh, we should have a dinner. Not here, but at a nice restaurant. I'd invite some of my family, and you could invite yours"

I blew the smoke from the cigarette out as she shrugged. "What would the dinner be for?" She asked. She grabbed her rag from in the water and brung it up to her shoulder where she gently wiped it.

"My mother says she wants to see us. I think it would be good to get our families together. They could become more acquainted with one another. It would be nice" I nodded.

She sighed as she pulled herself forward. She squeezed the rag down her neck, making some of the water spill on her back, and on her breast. The bubbles started to disappear, and I think she's doing it on purpose.

Unless she wants to be sore during the dinner she needs to stop. I always have time in my schedule to fuck her, always.

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