Twenty eight

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It's been about two weeks since I've seen Diana sleep naked. She would do it frequently, but now she's acting different. She's been a bit distant from me and I can't help but to think that it's my fault. Maybe she wants me to spend more time with her.

Well that can't be the case because she's completely moved out of my room, sleeping in one of the guest rooms. She won't shower with me, or let me touch her much.

I noticed her start to act different when I came home that day one day I had to go help a friend with something. She drove one of my cars to a store and made sure to kiss me, letting me know that she came back. She left my presence for about ten minutes and ever since then it's been this.

I've had enough of it tonight. We ate dinner together, something she cooked. I thought we were having such a good time because she seemed so happy, but she would zone off. She'd laugh one second then frown the next. She's going through these moods and it has me so confused.

After she had eaten desert, which was a weird combination; ice cream and crackers, she left me to go back into the guest room.

I went into my room, feeling as lonely as ever. She hasn't slept next to me in a while and it just set me off. I got up, walking into the room she was sleeping in.

I saw her sitting on the bed all by herself, snuggling in the shirt I had just taken off. She must have gotten it when I went into the shower. She jumps when she sees me and turns, looking at me like she's seen a ghost.

"Amore?" I say lowly.

She slowly breathes, making me feel a bit of uncomfortable tension. I walk closer to her and she stands, gulping as she looks into my eyes.

She gives me a guilty gaze and it startles me. Has she done something?

"I've been meaning to talk to you" I looked at her and she nodded, widening her eyes. She seems scared, of me?

"I-I've been meaning to talk to you too." She says, fiddling with her fingers. She stands on her tippy toes for a second and I sigh.

"Why have you been avoiding me? I haven't been able to touch you, have sex with you, anything. I mean the last time we went a few days without touching each other you nearly stabbed me. I have reason to haven't went to someone else have you?" I ask.

She shakes her head and parts her lips. I'm so glad she's finally saying something. "No. I wouldn't do that. I've just been scared..." she said.

"Of what, amore?" I ask lowly, walking towards her.

"Of you" she whispers.

I tilt my head back in surprise. Of me? I have never given her reason to be frightened of me.


"Amore. I will never do anything to make you scared of me like this. Is it something I've done?" He asks.

I shake my head and he reaches his hand up to cup my face. He pulls my face up to him and I look into his eyes. I try to embrace this as this may be the last sincere look I get from him. From what Devin told me, he may be more than angry at me.

"Then tell me what's wrong. You can talk to me, no matter what it is" he says.

I sigh as my eyes start to water. I've never had something like this happen to me and I don't even know how to break the news to him. What if he doesn't want anything to do with me.

"You promise you won't get mad?" I ask. My voice is low as I am too scared to even talk.

He nods and bends down to place his forehead against mines. "I promise". His warm breath makes my heart feel something I can't even express the feeling.

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